CSE523 Machine Learning 2022 Abraca-data

Coronary Artery Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Classifiers

Problem Statement

The aim of this project is to train a best-fit supervised machine learning model based on the selected training dataset, that predicts whether an individual has 10-years future risk of Coronary Artery Disease, given the details (input features) of that individual.

The dataset is accessed from here


Machine Learning is used in a variety of areas all around the world. The healthcare industry is no different. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the formation of plaque in the arteries that provide your heart with oxygen-rich blood. Plaque produces a blockage, which can lead to a heart attack. CAD is an extremely widespread illness all over the world, it is impacted by several modifiable risk factors. Predictive models built using machine learning (ML) algorithms may assist doctors to diagnose CAD at an early stage and improve results and in turn, also save many lives.


The results of this project are as follows:

Pre PCA Performance Measures


Pre PCA AUC/ROC for Logistic Regression

Post PCA AUC/ROC for kNN

Post PCA AUC/ROC for Logistic Regression
