
automation tool for BigBlueButton and Greenlight

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A tool to manually or automatically manage rooms and meetings in BigBlueButton and Greenlight via rest api, yaml configuration files or commandline. You can manage multiple servers, users, rooms, sharing of rooms and much more. Meetings can automatically be created, started and even liveStreamed (using BigBlueButton-liveStreaming), emedeately or based on a startDate. Owners and moderators can be informed via mails. Invitations can be send to attendees. ...

The application mainly features two modes:

  • oneShotCommands (from api, commandLine or a yaml config file)
  • daemon mode (running in the background and whatching for changes and events to execute)


this application does not feature an user interface - it is configured and used via commandline or rest api. It should help system administrators to not have to click arround in greenlight to manage tasks and additionally be able to automate and schedule BigBlueButton meetings.


to install...

  • please clone the repository to /user/local/bin:
        git clone https://github.com/aau-zid/scheduLight.git /usr/local/bin/scheduLight
  • install the python packages required... (you can use the shell script for ubuntu if you want)
        apt -y install python3-pip
        apt -y install python3-psycopg2
        pip3 install -r /usr/local/bin/scheduLight/python_packages.txt
  • install the systemd startup scripts...
  • configure the greenlight database set the database credentials in slCli.py, slCommandProcessor.py and slMeetingProcessor.py in the argParse section.

  • start the processors...

        systemctl start scheduLight
  • to stopp...
        systemctl stop scheduLight.target

note on redis memory usage

you may have a look at Redis guidances on why vm.overcommit_memory should be set to 1 for it. https://redis.io/topics/faq#background-saving-fails-with-a-fork-error-under-linux-even-if-i-have-a-lot-of-free-ram

getting started

to understand how scheduLight works and to have a first impression, please keep the following facts in mind and follow these steps:

  • you need at least one BigBlueButton server configured via api or config file. The easyest way is to copy the servers block from the example config to the config.yml file and replace the data with your settings. To learn how to use the api, see the API examples section.

  • if you use the config file (not the api) you have to update the database with your new config. So if you changed anything in the config.yml file always execute the slReadConfig.py afterwards to read the new settings into scheduLight. If you miss this step, the new settings are not active and will not be processed. If you use the api, the changes are instant.

  • execute a first command via the commandline to see if it works. slCli.py -m [-s bbb_server_id] gives you information about the running meetings on your server. If you do not specify a server_id the id bbb is used. If you gave your first bbb server the id bbb you do not have to specify -s server_id for this command.


the application consists of the following components:

  • slApi.py - a rest api listening on port 8008 for commands to be executed

  • slCli.py - tool to execute commands via the cli

  • slCommandProcessor.py - a daemon waiting for commands send via the api or the config file

  • slMailProcessor.py - a daemon sending mails that are submitted to the queue

  • slMeetingProcessor.py - a daemon waiting for meetings provided via api or config file. For more details see below

  • slReadConfig.py - tool to read the config from a yaml file for processing or import data from a csv file to the config

  • docker-compose.yml - config file for the redis db

  • config.yml - config file to process commands or meetings

  • dataSchema.py - the schema of the commands and meetings

  • example.csv - example csv file for the import

  • exampleConfig.yml - some examples for the config file

  • greenLight.py - class with functions to interact with greenlight

  • scheduLight.py - class with functions

  • systemd/ - folder with systemd files

  • templates/ - folder with mail templates

general functions

commandline (cli) functions

You can execute cli commands via the slCli.py file.

show running meetings on a server

-m --show_meetings search for running meetings on a server.

-s --server the id of the server to search on. This already has to be configured via config file or api. Default is "bbb"

show or send room links

-l, --room_links this command searches for rooms in greenlight and shows the owner, title, link to the room and a moderator link to access the room directly without a greenlight account required. default is to search for a name, but you can choose any column of the rooms database by specifying the following argument:

-b, --room_by - a column field of the rooms table to search in you can send the output via email to any address by providing:

-e, --email - emailaddress to send the report to.

commands from api or yaml file

the following commands can be triggered via the api or be configured in the yaml file for processing.

yaml file structure

In the yaml file use the structure below for the various commands.

    command: rename_room
    server: server_to_use
        roomUID: new_room_uid

    command: share_room|unshare_room
    server: server_to_use
        email_to_share_to2: Name

    command: delete_room
    server: server_to_use

    command: create_room
    server: server_to_use
      room name:
        email: owner email
        room_UID: UID of the room
        accessCode: code of the room

    command: delete_user
    server: server_to_use

    command: create_user
    server: server_to_use
        fullName: name of the user
        pwd: password (not implimented yet)
        role: role of the user (default = user)
        provider: provider of the user (default = ldap)

meetings from yaml file or api

if you configure meetings, the application will create users and rooms required in greenlight, start the BigBlueButton meeting emedeately or based on a startDate and optional send mails to the owner of the meeting, invitations, moderator links or notifications to users which got the room shared. there are many automatic tasks, that can be included in the workflow. The example yaml file shows how to configure all this.

disable a meeting from being processed

you can set the status code via the api or redis to 900 to have the meeting being ignored.


to use any of the functions you will have to configure at least one BigbLuebutton server that can be used for the tasks. This can be done via the config file or the api.


The mailProcessor listens to a redis stream for new mails to be send. mails by default will be send on behalf of the owner of a meeting. This can be overridden on server or even meeting level. For commands you have to provide the sender in the command or on server level to enable mail functionality.

to prevent sending of unwanted mails, mail processing is off by default. You can activate sending mails on server or meeting basis, or only for share notification mails. set send_emails variable to true on the desired level - see the example. For testing purposes you always can supply the -n --no_mail argument on the commandline for the mailProcessor to prevent sending of any mail. If mail transport is turned off, you will see the mails in the logs. The -d --debug_emails flag does enable verbose mode and output the whole mail.

api command structure and examples

you can trigger all commands or the processing of meetings via the api. For the available functions see the commands and meetings notes. You also can setup servers or manage the status of meetings and their workflow.

to configure servers, meetings and commands via the api you have to call the rest api as follows. the structure is the same as in the config file for simplicity:

curl -d '{ "id": "bbb", "BBB_URL": "https://your_server_url", "BBB_SECRET": "your_bbb_secret", "link_base": "https://your_greenlight_url/b", "mailFrom": "sender_address", "mailFromName": "sender_name", "mailServer": "server_name", "mailUser": "user_name", "mailPassword": "server_password" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8008/api/v1/servers
curl -d '{ "command": "rename_room", "server": "server_to_use", "data": { "old_room_uid": { "roomUID": "new_room_uid" } } }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8008/api/v1/commands
curl -d '{"startDate": "2020-06-24 11:00", "id": "id_to_use", "meetingName": "test Meeting via Api", "owner": {"email": "email_of_owner", "fullName": "your name"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8008/api/v1/meetings
curl -X GET http://localhost:8008/api/v1/meetings
curl -X GET http://localhost:8008/api/v1/meetings/meetingID
curl -d '{"command": "rename_room", "server": "server_to_use", "data": {"roomUID_to_rename": { "roomUID": "new_roomUID"}}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8008/api/v1/commands

trouble shooting

if something does not work as expected the first steps to find the problems could be:

  • see if all processes are running
  • check the components log output
systemctl -l status scheduLight-[api|commandsProcessor|...]
  • have a look at the logFile or the syslog.

  • restart scheduLight

systemctl stop scheduLight.target
systemctl start scheduLight

todo and known limitations

orm based database management

the interaction with the greenLight sql database should be changed to Object Relational Mapping: https://www.sqlalchemy.org/ https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/3.0/examples.html

room settings

should all be added as variables in the create_room function, as create params in create_meeting already have been.

password of new users

the user password has to be blowfish encrypted to be compatible to greenlight. What is the salt greenlight uses? import bcrypt password = "123456" pw = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), salt.encode('utf-8'))

api calls for mail queue

mail queue management should be added to the api. Allowing:

  • list new mails
  • list old mails
  • delete mail from a queue
  • delete all mails from a queue

delete recordings when a room is deleted

fetch all recordings related to a greenLight room and delete them when the room is deleted.

application wide config file

provide an application wide config file instead of (or additionally to) the args in the cli, command and meeting scripts. extend the systemd files to use values from the config file on startup.

extend documentation