
Updated OS smartphones index. Example of Prismic headless CMS integrated with an 11ty/eleventy static site generator.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Built with

Prismic headless CMS, 11ty/eleventy static site generator and Tailwind CSS.

Used a boilerplate to kick-start with 11ty and Tailwind, more below:


A skeleton boilerplate built with Eleventy and TailwindCSS. Check out Skeleventy!


  • Build sites faster with the power of Eleventy, TailwindCSS and SCSS
  • Laravel Mix (Webpack) to watch, concatenate and compile styles and scripts
  • HTML minifier
  • Purgecss for removing unused CSS
  • ES6 support with Babel
  • SEO friendly pages (including Open Graph and Twitter meta)
  • Image lazyloading
  • A simple blog with categories and featured images


Node >= v8.9.0


npm install

To start the development server (and Mix), run the npm run dev command in terminal. Eleventy has hot reloading baked in and will automatically watch your template files for changes. Mix will watch any changes to the JS and SCSS files.

Folder Structure

The site folder contains all the templates, partials and content - which Eleventy will parse into HTML for us.

Within our site folder, lives a globals folder. Here you'll find a site.json file - for general config stuff e.g site name, author, email, social media links etc.

You'll also find a navigation.json file, which we use to loop over in our nav partial to generate our navigation. There's also a helpers.js file, which just contains a simple environment helper.

Uncompiled SCSS and JS reside in the resources folder - as mentioned above, Mix will be watching these folders for any changes (you should restart the server when creating new partials/folders).

In development mode, Skeleventy will reference main.css for it's stylesheet. This will be pretty chunky in filesize (around 800KB!), due to the amount of Tailwind utility classes - but don't worry, Skeleventy has you covered!

Ready to deploy?

Type the npm run production command to minify scripts, styles and run Purgecss.

Purge will cross reference your templates/HTML with all those Tailwind classes and will remove any classes you haven't used - pretty cool huh?

Skeleventy will now reference main.min.css as the new stylesheet (annoyingly, Mix also minifies main.css as well - this bugs the hell out of me!).


Once you've had a tinker with Skeleventy and made something Awwwards worthy, jump over to Netlify and host your beautiful creation for free.

You can set up continuous deployment which will watch your repo and deploy when you've pushed new changes to it - Netlify will take care of all the heavy lifting for you.

Behold the true magic of a modern JAMstack workflow! :)