
Substituion-Permutation network implementing 8-bit block cipher with 32-bit keys

Primary LanguageC

Substitution-Permutation Network

This is an implementation of a subsitution-permutation network of 8-bit block ciphers with 32-bit keys. The encryption can be done in both electronic codebook mode or in cipher block chaining mode. Decryption is also implemented.


The substitution step uses 4-bit S-boxes applied to lower and upper 4 bits of an 8-bit word. Subsitution is give by x = 7(x+1) mod 16. 4-bit chunks are natural numbers of their corresponding binary encodings.


The permutation is a cyclic 2-bit left-shift.


There are 4 rounds of encryption.

  • Round 0: Key Step(XOR with key) with first 8 bits of key
  • Round 1: Subsitution step followed by a permutation step followed by key step with the next 8 bits of the key.
  • Round 2: Subsitution step followed by a permutation step followed by key step with the next 8 bits of the key.
  • Round 3: Sbstitution step followed by a key step with the last 8 bits of the key.


spn <key> <initialization vector> <clear text> <chain flag>