
Code for export of simulation data to XML and subsequent analysis to compare to experiment

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Code exports and analyzes simulation data to XML from the simulation program Kinetiscope. The directory /cpp/ contains C++ code for export of simulation data into XML format. The /python/ directory contains scripts for postprocessing of the simulation data. The Jupyter notebook Demo.ipynb demonstrates how the data analysis scripts are used to process data from the simulations along with a brief background on the project.

Code for data analysis

These scripts have been developed to analyze data from Kinetiscope simulations exported as XML. The simulations are a stack of rectangular prisms used to represent a radial core of a spherical aerosol nanoparticle. The code can pull out average properties of the aerosol or provide contour maps of the internal distribution. Additional details about the model simulations can be found in this publication. The following graphic gives an overview of the simulation.