
Peer-to-peer Streaming Software

Primary LanguageJava


 Peer-to-peer Streaming Software using RTSP protocol .

How it works :

 1. A central server is used for user authentication . 
 2. Central server sends information of newly connected nodes to each already connected nodes .
 3. Nodes can contact each other with search queries (query for searching a video).
 4. Source node then start streaming of video and destination node will enjoy the video .
 5. Every node is holding its own database (information about path of videos).
 6. RTSP protocol is used for streaming .
 7. Each node can maintain number of channels, upload videos to channels, can track subscribers, .
 8. Each user can also like videos, subscribe to channels .

How to use :

 1. Just download PeerClient_2 folder and run Peer.java file and rest instructions will be there in application itself .

Technology used :

 1. JAVA Application build on NETBEANS .
 2. Central server is concurrent server(can handle multiple connections simultaneously) .
 3. MySQL database at central server to store user information .
 4. MySQL database at each node to maintain information about its videos .
 5. VLCJ library to do streaming using VLC media player .

New features to be implemented :

 1. Efficient searching of videos. 
 2. less number of edges in entire network(by connecting few nodes and transmitting query packets with TTL value) .
 3. Efficient database at each node .