Electron js Time-logger

  • Electron js Desktop based Application
  • Logs time of an Employee for a task its duration
  • Used Reactjs in frontend.
  • MaterialUI as component library.
  • Dayjs for time related stuffs.
  • jspdf & jspdf-autotable for pdf conversion
  • uuid for unique id for keys
  • xlsx for excel sheet conversion

Steps to Replicate:

  • clone the repo
  • npm install
  • npm start


  • On play starts timer.
  • On stop stops timer and adds the reading to table.
  • Table has following columns: Employee name,start,end,Actual time,delete button.

Added functionalities:

  • Input box for employee name.
  • On delete button click user can delete a specific reading.
  • There is a permanent clock in bottom right of Application showing current time.
  • When some readings are selected then only table and utilities buttons(on bottom will be shown).
  • I have also Added export as PDF and Excel file functionality.