- Import Libraries
- Import Data
- Look at top 10 values to see how data looks like
- Data Frame Profiling
- Looking at shape
- Talk to domain expert
- Count NA values in each column and replacing them if needed
- Data cleaning
- Describing numerical variables
- Checking for outliers using boxplots and removing them
- Machine Learning
- Correlation Heatmap
- Feature Engineering (https://towardsdatascience.com/feature-selection-techniques-in-machine-learning-with-python-f24e7da3f36e)
- Checking assumptions of the model, thinking about parameters
- Applying ML algorithm
- Drawing real and predicted outputs for graphical understanding
- Improving the model and sharing outputs
This repo contains the machine learning algorithms, their usage, and caveats which help me mostly in solving real-life problems.
Jupyter Notebook