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PatchAlign : Fair and Accurate Skin Disease Image Classification by Alignment with Clinical Labels [MICCAI 2024]

Framework: PyTorch


Patch Align Diagram

PatchAlign: Our proposed alignment-based skin disease classifier


The libraries used and their version requirements for running the code are given in requirements.txt. Please create a virtual environment (conda/pyvenv) to avoid any version conflicts.

pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Download Fitzpatrick17k dataset by filling the form here

  2. Download Diverse Dermatology Images (DDI) from here

  3. Use data_play_fitz.ipynb and data_play_ddi.ipynb to remove unknown skin types, encode disease labels, and generate the weights of reweighting and resampling methods.

  4. Change the fitzpatrick skin-tones number in ddi_metadata_code.csv from 1,2,3 to 1,3,5 respectively before running the code.

  5. Note: For Text Embeddings use 'text_embeddings_3_large_consecutive_averaged.npy' directly or use create_embeddings.ipynb to test other ways of creating text embeddings.


Run the following comands to reproduce the results. Before running the training code, run create_class_indices.ipynb.

# 0 - In Domain, 1 - Out Domain A12, 2 - Out Domain A34, 3 - Out Domain A56
# PatchAlign DDI In-Domain Result
python3 -u train_PatchAlign_DDI_InDomain.py 20 full ddi DDI_INDOMAIN

# PatchAlign FitzPatrick17k In-Domain
python3 -u train_PatchAlign_FitzPatrick_InDomain.py 20 full fitzpatrick PATCHALIGN_FITZ_INDOMAIN         

# PatchAlign FitzPatrick17k Out-Domain Result (2 here means A56)
python3 -u train_PatchAlign_FitzPatrick_OutDomain.py 20 full fitzpatrick PATCHALIGN_FITZ_OUTDOMAIN 2

# For Other Results like Fair DisCo, eg: (here 0 means in Domain)
python -u train_DisCo.py 20 full fitzpatrick FairDisCo 0;
python -u train_BASE.py 20 full fitzpatrick Base 0;
# etc.

For running the multitask files, first pass the metadata file through create_class_indices_multitask.ipynb ('ddi_metadata_code.csv' for ddi dataset and 'fitzpatrick17k_known_code.csv' for fitzpatrick dataset).

For DDI Dataset: Command: python3 train_DisCo_multitask_ddi.py 25 full ddi multitask_ddi 32 1234

For Fitzpatrick Dataset: Command: python3 train_DisCo_multitask_fitz.py 25 full fitzaptrick multitask_fitz 32 1234


Use multi_evaluate.ipynb


Please cite the paper and star this repository if you use our work. Queries regarding the paper or the code may be directed to aayushman20@iiserb.ac.in. Alternatively, you may also open an issue on this repository.

      title={PatchAlign:Fair and Accurate Skin Disease Image Classification by Alignment with Clinical Labels}, 
      author={Aayushman and Hemanth Gaddey and Vidhi Mittal and Manisha Chawla and Gagan Raj Gupta},
