Passenger Flight Path tracker

This repository holds the microservice to get the very start and end airport codes to track the passenger.

This microservice provides the simple way to get the ultimate flight path by giving the itinerary of the airport codes of the passenger.


This is the proto file defining the API

There is a primarily 1 API which this service supports

  • GetFlightPath is the API to get the source and destination airport code of the passenger based on the itinerary airport hops.

These APIs are exposed in REST and gRPC format.

Below is the Rest API for getting the path.

  • HTTP1.1 POST https://domain:port/v1alpha1/flights/path

Used for getting the flight path source destination.

Example: https://domain:port/v1alpha1/flights/path`

Request Body

     "start": "INR",
     "end": "EUR"
    "start": "SFO",
    "end": "ATL"
    "start": "GSO",
    "end": "IND"
    "start": "ATL",
    "end": "GSO"


  "path": {
    "start": "SFO",
    "end": "EWR"
  "datetime": "xxxx"


The input path must be of atleast length 1 and any input path must have both, the source and destination airport codes.


The main flow to operate for the passenger flight tracker


User will call the above API to get the final flight path

API handler will check the list of the flight and using the algorithm, it will get the final flight path.

The API responses also has the datetime which gives an idea on when the flight path was tracked.

The API handler will use internal/flightpath/normalizer.go/Normalize() to perform the actual conversion logic.


The main idea picked for calculating the path, is for a start of the airport code to be ultimate start point, it has to be unique and not to be the end of any other path's code.

Ex: SFO is the ultimate start point because no other path ends to the SFO and hence there is no other airport BEFORE this airport.

Similarly, for an airport code to be the ultimate end of the flight path, no other paths should start from it.

Ex: EWR is the only path from where no other path starts which means that finally the passenger came to EWR airport and stopped the travel.

For the sake of simplicity we kept the algorithm simple which should work for almost all the scenarios.

  • Returns the 1st path if only one path is given in the input

  • Loop over all the path and maintain a map/set of airport codes which are start of the airport path

But consider only those start airport codes which are not part of the map/set of the end airport code.

  • If such airport is found, delete the that code from end map/set and start map/set as it cannot be either the ultimate start code or the ultimate end code.

  • Repeat the same process for maintaining the end codes in its map/set

  • Once both map is prepared, technically they should have only 1-1 each airport codes which are not shared by the start of end of the other paths.

  • Return those codes.


High Level Code Structure

Proto file containing the specs for all the apis

This is the module which holds the dependencies of the api proto imports.

This folder holds the utilities and modules which are private and not to be shared with the importers of this repository

This folder holds the object definition of a Path having airport codes and the validation across it.

This is the module which holds the actual algorithm to find the flight path using the input set of itinerary.

Holds the API handler for the APIs defined in the proto


We are using golangci-lint as the linter for the code except test files

Run make lint to run the linter on the service


To build the binary of the service make build can be used


We are using this Dockerfile for creating the images of the service

Dev automation

We are using Makefile which has multiple targets to automate development and CI CD


To run the unit test we have target in Makefile make test