RPS Royale is a gaming app that incorporates a very well-known game of Rock, Paper, Scissor with a twist to it. That twist is that you can only play with other players if you register your account and scan the QR Code to play the game with other players in a Peer-to-peer fashion. Play and defeat your opponent in a game of rock, paper, & scissors right in front of their faces in realtime.
Framework7 app created with following options:
"cwd": "/mnt/c/Users/Amelia/Documents/University/8 - Fall 2022/NMED 3630/Assignments/2/rps_royale",
"type": [
"name": "RPS Royale",
"framework": "core",
"template": "single-view",
"bundler": "vite",
"cssPreProcessor": "scss",
"theming": {
"customColor": true,
"color": "#6d3fff",
"darkTheme": false,
"iconFonts": true,
"fillBars": false
"customBuild": false,
"pkg": "io.framework7.rpsroyale",
"cordova": {
"folder": "cordova",
"platforms": [
"plugins": [
First of all we need to install dependencies, run in terminal
npm install
- 🔥
- run development server - 🔧
- run development server - 🔧
- build web app for production - 📱
- build cordova app
There is a Vite bundler setup. It compiles and bundles all "front-end" resources. You should work only with files located in /src
folder. Vite config located in vite.config.js
Cordova project located in cordova
folder. You shouldn't modify content of cordova/www
folder. Its content will be correctly generated when you call npm run cordova-build-prod
npm install # 1. Install Dependencies
npm run cordova-add-android # 2. Add Android to Cordova Platform
npm run cordova-android # 3. Run the Cordova app on Android
Assets (icons, splash screens) source images located in assets-src
folder. To generate your own icons and splash screen images, you will need to replace all assets in this directory with your own images (pay attention to image size and format), and run the following command in the project directory:
framework7 assets
Or launch UI where you will be able to change icons and splash screens:
framework7 assets --ui
Love Framework7? Support project by donating or pledging on:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/framework7
- OpenCollective: https://opencollective.com/framework7
npm install # 1. Install dependencies
npm run cordova-add:android # 2. Add android to your cordova platform
npm run cordova:android #3. Run the app on cordova
- Directus Cloud API ✔️
- Matchmaking Session ✔️
- Player ✔️
- Leaderboard ❌
- QR Scanner ✔️
- RPS Game System ✔️
- Hand ✔️
- Rock
- Paper
- Scissor
- Leaderboard ❌
- Win-Loss Ratio
- Top Players
- Hand ✔️
- Pages
- Game Session ✔️
- Matchmaking ✔️
- Leaderboard ❌
- QR Display ✔️
- QR Scanner ✔️
- Profile ❌
Geolocation Feature
- Mapbox ❌
- Display yours' and other players' location if you are in matchmaking session ❌
- If you are in proximity of the other player in session, it opens either QR scanner or QR display ❌
Accelerometer ❌
- When players are done choosing their move, they must shake their device once to display the result of the game round