Problem statement: Design a basic 1 player TicTacToe game in React.

Functionality: ● Player opens the app(site), selects his symbol (‘X’, ‘O’) and clicks on one of the 9 empty boxes. ● As expected his symbol should get filled up in that box. ● Second player is a computer, which is available at the following API url: method: POST Request Body: [ null, "X", "O",null, "X", "O", "X", "O", null] Response: 8 (Box number computer wants to fill)

● If a player wins the game ends with the winner and the winning sequence is highlighted.

Constraints: ● Should use only React hooks. ● There should only be Functional components, no Class components. ● Only the box where change has happened should get re rendered. All the boxes or the whole app should not rerender on every click.