PolyGains is a site for Cal Poly students to log their
workout plans, keep track of their progress, and interact
with the school's exercise community.
To begin, you can create an account and customize your profile picture.
Under the Workouts page, you can create new workout plans in the form
of cards. Each card can be dragged-and-dropped into your seven
day workout calendar.
Under the Stats page, you can update your PRs, Goals, and
personal stats like height, weight, and diet
Under the CalPoly page, students can find information
about the Rec Center as well as the current studio calendar.
You can search for friends, send friend requests,
view their profile, and copy their workouts to your page to try
them out yourself.
Prototype Last Updated: October 21, 2022
After pulling from the repository, run "npm install" in both
the /frontend and /backend folders to ensure you have all
the packages properly installed.
Navigate to the project's MongoDB Atlas Cluster,
click connect, then MongoDB Drivers, and copy the provided
In the /backend folder, create a file entitled ".env"
and paste "MONGODB_URI=yourLink" after placing
your username and password within the link.
Our project uses Prettier as a style checker. If you ran npm install in both the frontend and backend folder, no further setup is required. Prior to pushing any code, run "npm run style" in the frontend and backend folders to style any changes you may have made. At any point, you can run "npm run test" to see if your code adheres to our style requirements.
Last Updated: November 29, 2022
Last Updated: November 29, 2022
Coverage From: December 1, 2022 1:57 PM
(Uncovered lines cannot be tested as they access the real database)