
Akka visualizer

Primary LanguageScala


Akka visualizer - Tool that allows you to view the actor tree as it evolves in your application

Running the visualizer

  • Start the visualizer project export SBT_OPTS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true" (Required for UDP multicast)

    sbt "project visualizer" run

  • Point your browser to http://localhost:9000

Test with sample client

  • Start the example project sbt "project simpleClient" run

Test with sample Akka cluster client (3 node cluster)

This sample uses Akka cluster sharding component. Each node starts Akka clustering sharding component with few entry actors. Take a look at the build.sbt under cluster-example project for details

  • Start node1 sbt "project clusterClient" node1

  • Start node2 sbt "project clusterClient" node1

  • Start node3 sbt "project clusterClient" node1