
Tubity in Crystal with Kemal

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT

Tubity in Crystal with Kemal


  1. Install Crystal (http://crystal-lang.org/docs/installation/index.html)

  2. Checkout

  3. Install shards $ crystal deps (https://github.com/crystal-lang/shards)

  4. Install and run redis server (http://redis.io)

  5. Compile $ crystal compile --release src/kml.cr


Run compiled: $ ./kml -e production


You need to send JSON requests like:

  "url": "http://some.url"

Response is shortened URL like:

  "url": "http://some.url",
  "shorten_url": "http://localhost:3000/s4"

Redis keys

All used keys are namespaced with tubity:


Use bench-rest (https://github.com/jeffbski/bench-rest/)

With config like this:

var benchrest = require('bench-rest');

var flow = {
  main: [
    { post: 'http://localhost:3000/s', json: {'url': 'http://mydata_kemal_#{INDEX}'} },
module.exports = flow;

benchrest(flow, { iterations: 10, limit: 100})
  .on('error', function (err, ctxName) { console.error('Failed in %s with err: ', ctxName, err); })
  .on('progress', function (stats, percent, concurrent, ips) {
    console.log('Progress: %s complete', percent);
  .on('end', function (stats, errorCount) {
    console.log('error count: ', errorCount);
    console.log('stats', stats);

With single polling: bench-rest -c 1 -n 100000 ./tubity.js

And concurrency: bench-rest -c 16 -n 100000 ./tubity.js


  • ababich Alexey Babich - creator, maintainer