
Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) in pure Python and Cython wrappers of CUDD, Sylvan, and BuDDy

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Build Status Coverage Status


A pure-Python (3 and 2) package for manipulating:

as well as Cython bindings to the C libraries:

These bindings expose almost identical interfaces as the Python implementation. The intended workflow is:

  • develop your algorithm in pure Python (easy to debug and introspect),
  • use the bindings to benchmark and deploy

Your code remains the same.


  • All the standard functions defined, e.g., by Bryant.
  • Dynamic variable reordering using Rudell's sifting algorithm.
  • Reordering to obtain a given order.
  • Parser of quantified Boolean expressions in either TLA+ or Promela syntax.
  • Pre/Image computation (relational product).
  • Renaming variables.
  • Zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (ZDDs) in CUDD
  • Conversion from BDDs to MDDs.
  • Conversion functions to networkx and pydot graphs.
  • BDDs have methods to dump and load them using pickle.
  • BDDs dumped by CUDD's DDDMP can be loaded using fast iterative parser.
  • Garbage collection using reference counting

If you prefer to work with integer variables instead of Booleans, and have BDD computations occur underneath, then use the module omega.symbolic.fol from the omega package.

If you are interested in computing minimal covers (two-level logic minimization) then use the module omega.symbolic.cover of the omega package. The method omega.symbolic.fol.Context.to_expr converts BDDs to minimal formulas in disjunctive normal form (DNF).


In the Markdown file doc.md.


The module dd.autoref wraps the pure-Python BDD implementation dd.bdd. The API of dd.cudd is almost identical to dd.autoref. You can skip details about dd.bdd, unless you want to implement recursive BDD operations at a low level.

from dd.autoref import BDD

bdd = BDD()
bdd.declare('x', 'y', 'z', 'w')

# conjunction (in TLA+ syntax)
u = bdd.add_expr('x /\ y')  # operators `&, |` are supported too
# substitute variables for variables (rename)
rename = dict(x='z', y='w')
v = bdd.let(rename, u)
# substitute constants for variables (cofactor)
values = dict(x=True, y=False)
v = bdd.let(values, u)
# substitute BDDs for variables (compose)
d = dict(x=bdd.add_expr('z \/ w'))
v = bdd.let(d, u)
# infix operators
v = bdd.var('z') & bdd.var('w')
v = ~ v
# quantify
u = bdd.add_expr('\E x, y:  x \/ y')
# less readable but faster alternative
u = bdd.var('x') | bdd.var('y')
u = bdd.exist(['x', 'y'], u)
assert u == bdd.true, u
# inline BDD references
u = bdd.add_expr('x /\ {v}'.format(v=v))
# satisfying assignments (models)
d = bdd.pick(u, care_vars=['x', 'y'])
for d in bdd.pick_iter(u):
n = bdd.count(u)

To run the same code with CUDD installed, change the first line to:

from dd.cudd import BDD

Most useful functionality is available via method of the class BDD. A few of the functions can prove handy too, mainly to_nx, to_pydot. Use the method BDD.dump to write a BDD to a pickle file, and BDD.load to load it back. A CUDD dddmp file can be loaded using the function dd.dddmp.load.

A Function object wraps each BDD node and decrements its reference count when disposed by Python's garbage collector. Lower-level details are discussed in the documentation.

For using ZDDs, change the first line to

from dd.cudd_zdd import ZDD as BDD



From the Python Package Index (PyPI) using the package installer pip:

pip install dd


pip install .

For graph layout with pydot, install also graphviz.

Cython bindings

Wheel files with compiled CUDD

As of dd version 0.5.3, manylinux2014_x86_64 wheel files are available from PyPI for some Python versions. These wheel files contain the module dd.cudd with the CUDD library compiled and linked. If you have a Linux system and Python version compatible with one of the available wheels, then pip install dd will install dd.cudd, so you need not compile CUDD. Otherwise, see below.

dd fetching CUDD

By default, the package installs only the Python modules. You can select to install any Cython extensions using the setup.py options:

  • --cudd: build module of CUDD BDDs
  • --cudd_zdd: build module of CUDD ZDDs
  • --sylvan: build module of Sylvan BDDs
  • --buddy: build module of BuDDy BDDs

Pass --fetch to setup.py to tell it to download, unpack, and make CUDD v3.0.0. For example:

pip download dd --no-deps
tar xzf dd-*.tar.gz
cd dd-*/
python setup.py install --fetch --cudd --cudd_zdd

The path to an existing CUDD build directory can be passed as an argument:

python setup.py install --cudd="/home/user/cudd"

If you prefer defining installation directories, then follow Cython's instructions to define CFLAGS and LDFLAGS before running setup.py. You need to have copied CuddInt.h to the installation's include location (CUDD omits it).

If building from the repository, then first install cython. For example:

git clone git@github.com:tulip-control/dd
cd dd
pip install cython  # not needed if building from PyPI distro
python setup.py install --fetch --cudd

The above options can be passed to pip too, using the --install-option in a requirements file, for example:

dd >= 0.1.1 --install-option="--fetch" --install-option="--cudd"

The command line behavior of pip is currently different, so

pip install --install-option="--fetch" dd

will propagate option --fetch to dependencies, and so raise an error.

User installing build dependencies

If you build and install CUDD, Sylvan, or BuDDy yourself, then ensure that:

  • the header files and libraries are present, and
  • suitable compiler, include, linking, and library flags are passed, either by setting environment variables prior to calling pip, or by editing the file download.py.

Currently, download.py expects to find Sylvan under dd/sylvan and built with Autotools (for an example, see .travis.yml). If the path differs in your environment, remember to update it.

BuDDy can be downloaded and compiled as follows:

curl -L https://sourceforge.net/projects/buddy/files/buddy/BuDDy%202.4/buddy-2.4.tar.gz/download -o buddy-2.4.tar.gz
tar -xzf buddy-2.4.tar.gz
cd buddy-2.4/
./configure  # as described in the README file of BuDDy
make install  # installs to `/usr/local/include/` and `/usr/local/lib/`
# The installation location can be changed with `./configure --prefix=/where/to/install`

pip uninstall -y dd
python setup.py install --buddy  # passes `-lbdd` to the compiler

and the installation confirmed by invoking in another directory:

python -c "import dd.buddy"

Licensing of the compiled modules dd.cudd and dd.cudd_zdd in the wheel

These notes apply to the compiled modules dd.cudd and dd.cudd_zdd that are contained in the wheel file on PyPI (namely the files dd/cudd.cpython-39-x86_64-linux-gnu.so and dd/cudd_zdd.cpython-39-x86_64-linux-gnu.so in the *.whl file, which can be obtained using unzip). These notes do not apply to the source code of the modules dd.cudd and dd.cudd_zdd. The source distribution of dd on PyPI is distributed under a 3-clause BSD license.

The following libraries and their headers were used when building the modules dd.cudd and dd.cudd_zdd that are included in the wheel:

The licenses of Python and CUDD are included in the wheel archive.

Cython does not add its license to C code that it generates.

GCC was used to compile the modules dd.cudd and dd.cudd_zdd in the wheel, and the GCC runtime library exception applies.

The modules dd.cudd and dd.cudd_zdd in the wheel dynamically link to the:

  • Linux kernel (in particular linux-vdso.so.1), which allows system calls (see the kernel's file COPYING and the explicit syscall exception in the file LICENSES/exceptions/Linux-syscall-note)
  • GNU C Library (glibc) (in particular libpthread.so.0, libc.so.6, /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2), which uses the LGPLv2.1 that allows dynamic linking, and other licenses. These licenses are included in the wheel file and apply to the GNU C Library that is dynamically linked.


Require nose. Run with:

cd tests/

Tests of Cython modules that were not installed will fail.


BSD-3, see file LICENSE.