short-VGM-generator (DEMO)
Generate short video game music, automatically, endlessly.
It is powered by machine learning with magenta.js
Press the 'Generate' button. (For the first time, please wait until the initialization of the model for generation is finished.) It will generate countless pieces of music.
Generate new music based on the music on the left of the screen. The generated music will be displayed on the right of the screen.
Copy the generated music and use it as the basis for the next music to be generated.
The larger the number, the more random the music will be generated.
Correct dissonance to consonance.
Select the music that will be the source of the generation.
Load the data for the music in the 'state' text box.
Copy the text that represents the current music information to the clipboard. Paste this text into the 'state' text box and press the 'load' button to load the music.
Play/Stop music. Music is described in MML (Music Macro Language)