
FrontSpot Hub: Ptushki, backend

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC


FrontSpot Hub: Ptushki, backend

Getting Started

These instructions will running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • To run application locally you need docker installed.
  • node 14.x.
  • postgreSQL 11.x



docker compose up -d

Local environment

When run locally (without docker) make sure that you added postgres instance creds in .env file. To know which variables to use you have to look in ./config/default.js. In simplest case your .env should be look like:

So, now you ready to start from:

  1. npm i
  2. and then
    • npm start to build and start server in prod mode or
    • npm run start:dev to run server in dev mode with rebuilding on changes.

At any time you can start filling db with fixtures, this script works independently from server:

npm run fixtures

Be attentive: it drops db and schemes.

It will creates examples of all entities and users. All users come with password 1234. For convenience there are also some users with emails which match their roles:

API Structure

Main app routes are

  • users/
  • auth/
  • observations/
  • rings/

Although it would be best to start the diggin by going to the OpenAPI documentation located at swagger/

Running the tests & linting

Project is committing to ESLint coding styles with formatting via Prettier. Also Prettier is configured for other types of files: .json, .md, .yaml

To lint .ts files run:

npm run lint


npm run lint:fix

if you want to simultaneously fix them. But you shouldn't pay much attention for this. As most part of work is doing in time of commit. All staged changes are linted and / or only prettified and added to stage again to commit then, of course if there aren't unfixable errors.


Also project has tests which can be run with command

npm test

With adding modifications :coverage or :watch should be run corresponding commands. Don't forget about run after npm.

Functional tests

Currently, there are only functional tests. Which fully cover authentication and authorization flow.

These tests require additional db instance, as they drop db every time. You can declare this db in environment variables using the same variables as for main db instance but with prefix _TEST_ like this: PG_TEST_URL and so on.

Unit tests

Unfortunately, now unit tests isn't implemented.


Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system


By default, any time you commit will be started linting and fixing which includes eslint & prettier rules.

There also exists template for Pull Requests. Please fill it as much as possible.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE.md file for details