
Which is the fastest web framework?

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Which is the fastest?

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This project aims to be a load benchmarking suite, no more, no less

Measuring response times (routing times) for each framework (middleware).

Results are not production-ready yet

Additional purposes :

  • Helping decide between languages, depending on use case
  • Learning languages, best practices, devops culture ...
  • Having fun ❤️


  • Crystal as built-in tools are made in this language
  • Docker as frameworks are isolated into containers
  • wrk as benchmarking tool, >= 4.1.0
  • postgresql to store data, >= 10


⚠️ On OSX you need docker-machine to use docker containerization

brew install docker-machine
docker-machine create default
eval $(docker-machine env default)



  • Install all dependencies
shards install
  • Build internal tools
shards build
  • Create and initialize the database
createdb -U postgres benchmark
psql -U postgres -d benchmark < .ci/dump.sql

Docker can be used to set up the database:

docker run -it --rm -d \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=benchmark \
  -v /tmp/pg-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
  --name pg postgres:12-alpine

Wait several seconds for the container to start, then inject the dump:

docker exec pg sh -c "echo \"$(cat .ci/dump.sql)\" | psql -U postgres -d benchmark"

After creating the database, export its URL:

export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres@localhost/benchmark"
  • Make configuration
bin/make config
  • Build containers

jobs are either languages (example : crystal) or frameworks (example : router.cr)

bin/neph [job1] [job2] [job3] ...
  • Export all results readme
bin/db to_readme


ℹ️ Updated on 2020-08-06 ℹ️

Benchmarking with wrk

  • Threads : 8
  • Timeout : 8
  • Duration : 15s (seconds)

ℹ️ Sorted by max req/s on concurrency 64 ℹ️

Language Framework Speed (64) Speed (256) Speed (512)
1 php (7.4) mark (1.1) 167 687 171 413 172 108
2 nim (1.2) httpbeast (0.2) 163 348 194 799 196 969
3 go (1.14) fiber (1.13) 161 393 172 412 175 606
4 go (1.14) atreugo (11.5) 157 177 171 116 175 690
5 go (1.14) fasthttp (1.15) 155 891 168 589 172 120
6 go (1.14) fasthttprouter (0.1) 154 165 169 320 174 094
7 javascript (14.7) sifrr (0.0) 154 028 196 301 200 982
8 nim (1.2) whip (0.2) 152 326 179 652 181 107
9 go (1.14) gorouter-fasthttp (4.4) 149 822 161 272 164 973
10 go (1.14) router (1.2) 146 966 159 894 164 312
11 java (11) rapidoid (5.5) 142 883 170 582 170 382
12 java (11) jooby (2.8) 141 464 185 609 190 176
13 kotlin (1.3) kooby (2.8) 139 571 181 294 186 057
14 crystal (0.35) toro (0.4) 139 415 167 287 166 543
15 crystal (0.35) router.cr (0.2) 137 983 165 408 163 673
16 java (11) light-4j (2.0) 137 889 173 832 178 946
17 crystal (0.35) spider-gazelle (3.3) 136 456 163 188 162 035
18 php (7.4) workerman (4.0) 135 687 165 076 167 225
19 crystal (0.35) grip (0.28) 130 188 149 298 153 046
20 crystal (0.35) kemal (0.26) 130 074 151 565 150 099
21 nim (1.2) jester (0.4) 127 553 148 481 150 413
22 rust (1.45) actix (2.0) 125 052 134 080 133 326
23 crystal (0.35) amber (0.35) 124 130 143 971 141 380
24 c (11) agoo-c (0.7) 112 272 155 541 152 611
25 go (1.14) rte (0.0) 108 698 111 169 116 843
26 go (1.14) clevergo (0.3) 107 992 110 563 115 685
27 php (7.4) simps (1.0) 105 529 158 539 174 480
28 c (99) kore (3.3) 103 639 109 017 137 654
29 go (1.14) gearbox (1.1) 103 471 152 999 166 295
30 go (1.14) httprouter (1.3) 103 219 104 640 109 085
31 go (1.14) echo (4.1) 102 670 104 395 108 246
32 java (11) act (1.9) 101 599 130 515 132 140
33 go (1.14) gin (1.6) 99 998 109 751 115 103
34 go (1.14) violetear (7.0) 98 851 102 374 107 708
35 go (1.14) aero (1.3) 97 601 98 556 102 327
36 go (1.14) gorouter (4.4) 96 912 103 694 108 517
37 go (1.14) chi (4.1) 96 824 93 468 94 702
38 go (1.14) kami (2.2) 96 014 102 798 105 358
39 go (1.14) gorilla-mux (1.7) 95 152 96 159 101 928
40 go (1.14) webgo (4.1) 94 415 94 939 99 208
41 fsharp (4.7) frank (6.1) 93 277 107 477 110 448
42 fsharp (4.7) falco (1.2) 92 545 105 200 108 074
43 csharp (8.0) aspnetcore (3.1) 92 288 103 057 106 059
44 go (1.14) beego (1.12) 91 337 99 619 98 269
45 go (1.14) goroute (0.0) 90 629 90 615 99 683
46 javascript (14.7) polkadot (1.0) 88 580 100 055 101 405
47 crystal (0.35) athena (0.9) 85 462 104 694 106 107
48 javascript (14.7) polka (0.5) 80 400 86 943 85 842
49 javascript (14.7) 0http (2.5) 79 808 95 537 92 069
50 go (1.14) air (0.19) 78 961 80 203 83 725
51 cpp (14/17) drogon (1.0) 78 680 85 199 87 951
52 php (7.4) one (2.0) 76 656 93 036 98 657
53 csharp (8.0) carter (5.1) 75 652 76 685 68 673
54 elixir (1.1) cowboy_stream (2.8) 75 406 77 525 74 847
55 javascript (14.7) rayo (1.3) 72 841 83 563 81 045
56 scala (2.13) akkahttp (10.1) 72 387 83 842 81 697
57 java (11) javalin (3.9) 71 991 78 140 77 932
58 swift (5.2) perfect (3.1) 71 835 81 898 87 430
59 ruby (2.7) agoo (2.13) 71 685 103 305 113 051
60 php (7.4) hyperf (2.0) 71 520 89 980 95 132
61 go (1.14) gf (1.13) 71 263 78 113 80 266
62 javascript (14.7) fastify (3.1) 69 627 75 186 72 184
63 javascript (14.7) muneem (2.4) 67 871 74 978 73 748
64 javascript (14.7) restana (4.7) 67 368 79 662 78 915
65 python (3.8) falcon (2.0) 66 478 75 165 75 566
66 kotlin (1.3) ktor (1.2) 65 912 86 291 89 913
67 fsharp (4.7) saturn (0.14) 65 604 62 032 55 089
68 java (11) spring-boot (2.3) 64 618 71 898 71 675
69 php (7.4) comet (0.8) 62 182 67 595 67 400
70 javascript (14.7) foxify (0.1) 62 035 67 154 67 142
71 go (1.14) mars (1.0) 61 557 63 325 66 455
72 javascript (14.7) koa (2.13) 60 361 65 341 64 025
73 haskell (8.8) scotty (0.12) 57 266 62 268 64 922
74 java (11) micronaut (1.2) 57 105 66 008 65 265
75 fsharp (4.7) websharper (4.6) 56 216 57 279 54 791
76 javascript (14.7) nestjs-fastify (7.4) 54 510 58 066 58 673
77 python (3.8) bottle (0.12) 54 102 58 688 56 820
78 clojure (1.1) coast (1.0) 53 486 55 248 55 393
79 javascript (14.7) iotjs-express (0.0) 53 069 57 486 55 791
80 java (11) spring-framework (5.2) 51 271 58 787 58 487
81 rust (1.45) nickel (0.11) 49 654 48 297 47 748
82 swift (5.2) kitura (2.9) 49 346 50 133 50 097
83 swift (5.2) kitura-nio (2.9) 49 114 50 035 49 767
84 python (3.8) apidaora (0.27) 48 161 55 525 55 294
85 python (3.8) asgineer (0.7) 47 228 51 188 51 818
86 elixir (1.1) cowboy (2.8) 47 062 48 013 48 323
87 rust (1.45) gotham (0.4) 46 724 53 252 55 457
88 python (3.8) pyramid (1.1) 46 457 49 978 49 606
89 swift (5.2) vapor (4.27) 46 299 48 477 48 352
90 php (7.4) siler-swoole (1.7) 45 957 67 943 72 658
91 cpp (11) evhtp (1.2) 44 061 45 027 45 232
92 python (3.8) hug (2.6) 43 553 46 229 46 389
93 scala (2.13) http4s (0.21) 42 716 48 797 47 827
94 python (3.8) blacksheep (0.2) 42 046 48 111 47 823
95 python (3.8) sanic (20.6) 41 203 46 894 46 759
96 php (7.4) imi (1.2) 41 149 46 231 47 917
97 javascript (14.7) moleculer (0.14) 40 160 41 906 41 807
98 elixir (1.1) plug (1.10) 39 948 40 488 40 910
99 javascript (14.7) restify (8.5) 39 594 40 540 42 807
100 python (3.8) starlette (0.13) 39 381 44 130 43 838
101 python (3.8) emmett (2.0) 36 005 39 497 39 264
102 csharp (8.0) simplify.web (4.1) 35 879 36 331 35 319
103 javascript (14.7) hapi (19.2) 35 261 37 581 37 959
104 crystal (0.35) orion (3.0) 35 119 33 157 29 685
105 scala (2.13) play (2.8) 33 978 36 458 36 422
106 elixir (1.1) phoenix (1.5) 32 895 33 806 33 902
107 clojure (1.1) luminus (1.0) 31 588 32 641 32 281
108 crystal (0.35) shivneri (0.15) 30 648 29 095 26 566
109 haskell (8.8) servant (0.17) 29 952 29 327 28 164
110 fsharp (4.7) giraffe (4.1) 28 473 27 953 27 837
111 fsharp (4.7) suave (2.5) 28 285 29 277 31 285
112 dart (2.9) aqueduct (3.3) 27 637 27 605 27 693
113 php (7.4) swoft (2.0) 27 519 33 857 34 708
114 nim (1.2) rosencrantz (0.4) 27 234 23 234 21 258
115 nim (1.2) akane (0.1) 26 452 22 850 20 726
116 php (7.4) yii-swoole (2.0) 26 106 31 698 32 537
117 python (3.8) fastapi (0.6) 26 078 28 621 28 450
118 ruby (2.7) syro (3.2) 25 872 29 482 28 604
119 python (3.8) responder (2.0) 25 826 29 654 29 477
120 javascript (14.7) turbo_polka (0.3) 25 762 24 974 23 662
121 php (7.4) sw-fw-less (preview) 25 516 31 629 31 882
122 php (7.4) chubbyphp-swoole (3.1) 24 491 29 157 29 391
123 python (3.8) molten (1.0) 24 332 25 638 25 234
124 rust (1.45) iron (0.6) 24 156 24 226 24 224
125 ruby (2.7) hanami-api (0.1) 23 795 28 690 27 491
126 javascript (14.7) express (4.17) 23 777 25 199 24 733
127 javascript (14.7) feathersjs (4.5) 23 678 25 317 25 058
128 python (3.8) clastic (19.9) 23 558 24 731 24 290
129 php (7.4) slim-swoole (4.5) 23 491 27 761 28 484
130 python (3.8) aiohttp (3.6) 23 467 26 145 26 133
131 python (3.8) flask (1.1) 22 008 22 949 22 764
132 python (3.8) masonite (2.3) 21 928 23 044 22 629
133 ruby (2.7) cuba (3.9) 21 758 24 544 23 046
134 ruby (2.7) roda (3.34) 21 501 26 936 26 241
135 go (1.14) macaron (1.3) 20 414 23 026 23 193
136 ruby (2.7) rack-routing (0.0) 19 517 20 584 20 083
137 ruby (2.7) rack_app (7.6) 19 318 20 991 20 614
138 javascript (14.7) nestjs-express (7.4) 18 421 19 860 19 488
139 ruby (2.7) camping (2.1) 17 059 18 462 18 593
140 java (11) blade (2.0) 14 806 16 857 16 619
141 dart (2.9) start (0.4) 14 197 13 860 12 993
142 go (1.14) tango (0.6) 14 126 14 645 14 637
143 php (7.4) spiral (2.5) 12 797 13 066 13 088
144 ruby (2.7) sinatra (2.0) 12 751 12 972 13 014
145 crystal (0.35) runcobo (0.2) 12 623 12 463 11 872
146 go (1.14) gramework (1.7) 12 596 12 900 12 884
147 java (11) struts2 (2.5) 12 079 13 085 12 930
148 ruby (2.7) grape (1.4) 11 544 11 850 11 834
149 python (3.8) quart (0.13) 10 324 11 147 10 618
150 php (7.4) chubbyphp-roadrunner (3.1) 9 908 10 647 10 698
151 swift (5.2) swifter (1.4) 9 744 9 810 9 822
152 php (7.4) slim-roadrunner (4.5) 9 729 10 389 10 510
153 php (7.4) sunrise-router-roadrunner (2.4) 9 612 9 369 9 185
154 python (3.8) tornado (6.0) 9 444 9 809 9 529
155 pony (0.36) jennet (0.1) 8 825 17 361 15 826
156 python (3.8) cherrypy (18.6) 8 766 8 736 8 628
157 php (7.4) basicphp (0.9) 8 157 8 122 7 915
158 python (3.8) django (3.1) 8 037 8 024 7 949
159 php (7.4) fastsitephp (1.3) 7 874 7 764 7 631
160 ruby (2.7) flame (4.18) 7 572 7 693 7 279
161 ruby (2.7) hanami (1.3) 7 383 7 752 7 581
162 php (7.4) ubiquity (2.3) 6 701 6 570 6 578
163 python (3.8) tonberry (0.2) 6 642 6 523 6 147
164 php (7.4) one-fpm (2.0) 6 007 5 923 5 905
165 php (7.4) hamlet (3.2) 5 721 5 636 5 644
166 php (7.4) phalcon (4.0) 5 698 5 652 5 659
167 php (7.4) siler (1.7) 5 668 5 590 5 612
168 javascript (14.7) sails (1.2) 5 512 5 591 5 477
169 php (7.4) bearframework (1.2) 5 108 5 060 5 073
170 php (7.4) ice (1.5) 4 977 4 943 4 982
171 php (7.4) sunrise-router (2.4) 4 897 4 886 4 856
172 php (7.4) chubbyphp (3.1) 4 529 4 508 4 552
173 v (0.1) vape (0.3) 3 871 2 198 1 639
174 php (7.4) slim (4.5) 3 846 3 859 3 920
175 php (7.4) nette (3.0) 3 576 3 594 3 659
176 php (7.4) lumen (7.2) 3 479 3 500 3 601
177 php (7.4) yii (2.0) 3 406 3 426 3 498
178 julia (1.5) merly (0.2) 3 351 8 196 6 254
179 ruby (2.7) rails (6.0) 3 246 3 131 3 139
180 php (7.4) sunrise-router-annotations (2.4) 3 091 3 139 3 186
181 php (7.4) symfony (5.1) 2 730 2 769 2 815
182 php (7.4) mezzio (3.2) 2 496 2 539 2 566
183 python (3.8) cyclone (1.3) 2 404 2 413 2 372
184 ruby (2.7) pakyow (1.0) 2 071 2 112 1 850
185 python (3.8) klein (20.6) 1 591 1 616 1 592
186 python (3.8) nameko (2.12) 1 535 1 502 1 478
187 php (7.4) laminas (3.1) 1 332 1 355 1 368
188 php (7.4) codeigniter4 (4.0) 1 024 1 046 1 122
189 perl (5.32) dancer2 (2.0) 935 757 727
190 php (7.4) laravel (7.23) 363 177 2 438
191 crystal (0.35) lucky (0.23) 314 338 327

How to contribute ?

In any way you want ...

  • Request a framework addition
  • Report a bug (on any implementation)
  • Suggest an idea
  • ...

Any kind of idea is ❤️
