
A java agent to generate method mappings to use with the linux `perf` tool

Primary LanguageC

A java agent to generate /tmp/perf-.map files for JITted methods for use with perf


cmake .


Add -agentpath:<dir>/libperfmap.so to the java command line.

Note: If perf top still doesn't show any detailled info it's probably because of a permission problem. A common solution is to run the java program as a regular user with the agent enabled and then run a chown root /tmp/perf-<pid>.map to make the file accessible for the root user. Then run perf top as root. You could use the following script to do that:

sudo chown root /tmp/perf-$1.map
sudo perf top


I'm not a professional C code writer. The code is very "experimental", and it is e.g. missing checks for error conditions etc.. Use it at your own risk. You have been warned!