
The project basically have two screens, in first screen it shows the list of movies and in the second screen it shows the movie details.

Programing language - Kotlin

Libraries - Retrofit - for networking. - Glide - for image loading and caching. - Mockito - for mock web services. - Dagger2 - for dependency injection. - Coroutines for concurrency and multi-threading.

Architecture Components - ViewModel - LiveData - Navigation - View Binding

Project Architecture : Clean Architecture with MVVM also followed SOLID principle.

There are 3 layers in the project -data layer : This layer provides abstract definitions for accessing data sources like a database or the internet. In this case data source is only internet.

-domain layer : This layer contains all the model classes and business logic like GetMovieUseCase

-presentation layer : This layer contains the User Interface-related code. Here MVVM pattern is used.

Design Patterns Used: Singleton -Factory -Repository pattern

UnitTest : jUnit with Mockito is used for unit testing.