The goal of rcove is to produce maps of dispersal area based on time series of ocean currents and simple life history characteristics in R. The current functionality supports in-water dispersal.
You can install rcove as a R package using two steps.
Step 1 Install the R package devtools
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools") # to install
Step 2 Install rcove
#install the package from *Github*
library(rcove) # load the library
Create map of dispersal area.
-theta: Angle about which to rotate current velocities. Numeric
-velocity: Velocity time series. Vector consisting of two columns u,v.
-release_pts: Start locations for propagules. sf object
-PD: Planktonic propagule duration of species of interest. Numeric
-CPD: Competent propagule duration of species of interest. Numeric
-land: Land to be subtracted from final concatenated polygons. sf polygon
-proj: Projected crs in units m. -example: "+proj=utm +zone=20 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs"