
Run script after downloaded on Synology DSM DownloadStation

Primary LanguageShell


Run script after download on Synology DSM DownloadStation

Test working on DSM 6.2


Download script to your NAS (run as superuser)

Before copy-paste and run change '{path to download on yor nas}' to your path destination

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Egorvah/DownloadStation-run-script-after-complete/master/download_complete.sh -O {path to download on yor nas}"


chmod +x {path to your script}
{path to your script} install

Edit script for your algorithm

After line '# Start your algorithm' add you code

For example uses send message to telegram bot

Add schedule task on DSM

Open 'Control Panel' > 'Task Scheduler'

Select 'Create' > 'Scheduled Task' > 'User-defined script'

Enter task name, select root user

Set Schedule time (you can set every minute)

Set 'bash {path to your script}' to User-defined script field

Save task
