To recreate demo...
Run minikube (
minikube start --driver=hyperkit
) -
Create an ArgoCD namespace
kubectl create namespace argocd
Install argocd in k8s
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
Install argocd CLI
brew tap argoproj/tap brew install argoproj/tap/argocd
Port-forward argocd server
kubectl -n argocd port-forward svc/argocd-server 8080:443
argocd login --username admin --password <POD_NAME>
Add Abby's public git repo:
argocd repo add
Clone repo:
git clone
Manually apply the two application resources:
kubectl apply -f app-helm.yaml -f app-kustomize-sed-deployment.yaml -f app-kustomize-sed-kustomization.yaml -f app-kustomize-set-image-cli.yaml
Load local ArgoUI at
Expected state: We want Argo to update the deployment to use the newly created image tag based on the current commit.
Solution 4: Repackage our application using Helm 3 and feed a parameter override via the Argo application (argo-helm.yaml) Helm will be in a healthy state but the kustomize apps will not be as they have not had their "post commit" changes done yet.
NOTE: To reset either solution 1 or 2 for review, change the image tag in the kustomize base directories to not contain a valid commit hash and re-comment out the jobs in CircleCI.