
Multilingual sandboxed REPL engine in JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A client-side REPL engine for languages implemented or compiled to JavaScript.

###Current Languages

  • JavaScript Variants

    • JavaScript
    • CoffeeScript
    • Kaffeine
    • Move
    • Traceur (JavaScript.next)
  • Esoteric

    • Bloop
    • Brainfuck
    • Unlambda
    • Emoticon
  • Classic

    • Quick Basic
    • Forth
    • Smalltalk (GUI-less/Incomplete)
  • Serious

    • Scheme
    • Lua
    • Lisp (to be replaced)
    • Python
    • Ruby (beta)


jsREPL is available under the MIT license. Language interpreters and the modifications done to them by jsREPL developers have their own licenses, found in their extern/{language} folders or submodules.