
Reads specific events from specified smart contracts and passes them along to whoever is listening via a RabbitMQ routing key

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



bevents-scraper reads specific events from a specific smart contract and passes them along to whoever is listening.

Smart contract events that are targeted are indicated in the contract-watchlist.json file

The json has the following format:

  "contracts": [
      "address": "<smart contract address>",
      "blockchain": "<only ethereum supported>",
      "abi": "<the smart contract ABI, or at least part of it that includes the event defitinion>",
      "events_to_listen": {
        "<event name>": {
          "argument_filters": {
            "fromBlock": "latest" // curently only fromBlock/toBlock: integer/tag is supported

A concrete example of listening to Transfer and Approval events emitted by the SAND token contract

  "contracts": [
      "address": "0x3845badAde8e6dFF049820680d1F14bD3903a5d0",
      "blockchain": "ethereum",
      "abi": "[{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[],\"name\":\" ...\",\"type\":\"event\"}]",
      "events_to_listen": {
        "Transfer": {
          "argument_filters": {
            "fromBlock": "latest"
        "Approval": {
          "argument_filters": {
            "fromBlock": "latest"


Simply clone the project and install the pip requirements (via venv or directly)

git clone https://github.com/abarbatei/bevents-scraper
pip install -r ./bevents-scraper/requirements.txt

You need to have an instance of a RabbitMQ server running. See the official rabbitmq docker hub container for a simple/fast deployment.

RabbitMQ interaction

The project reads each event and sends them over RabbitMQ routing key. In order to specify the queue/host and other configuration data, the following environment variables are required:

  • RPC_ENDPOINT_HTTPS_URL: infura http endpoint URL or any other endpoint that supports eth_newFilter method
  • RABBIT_HOST_URL: the hostname of the RabbitMQ server
  • RABBIT_HOST_PORT: port number used in the above-mentioned host
  • RABBIT_EXCHANGE: rabbit exchanged used for the topic publish
  • RABBIT_ROUTING_KEY: the routing key used in publishing the messages
  • RABBIT_USER: the username when logging to the message broker
  • RABBIT_PASSWORD: the password corresponding to the above-mentioned user

Example for a Windows .bat script:

@echo off
set RPC_ENDPOINT_HTTPS_URL=https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<your_infura_API_key>
set RPC_ENDPOINT_WSS_URL=wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/<your_infura_API_key>

set RABBIT_HOST_URL=localhost
set RABBIT_ROUTING_KEY=events.all
set RABBIT_USER=guest

Output message format

The queue messages will contain the following data

    "event_name": "<the name of the smart contract event>",
    "filter_arguments": {
      // the arguments used as filter, specified in the contract-watchlist.json
    "event_data": { // direct event data, raw, as returned by the RPC endpoint
        "args": {  
        "event": "...",
        "logIndex": ...,
        "transactionIndex": ...,
        "transactionHash": "...",
        "address": "...",
        "blockHash": "...",
        "blockNumber": ...

An example:

    "event_name": "Transfer",
    "filter_arguments": {
        "fromBlock": "latest"
    "event_data": {
        "args": {
            "from": "0x21a31Ee1afC51d94C2eFcCAa2092aD1028285549",
            "to": "0x7eFF6f6E021DA5770897A0736211A12E5306C8D0",
            "value": 125520000000000000000
        "event": "Transfer",
        "logIndex": 397,
        "transactionIndex": 212,
        "transactionHash": "0x2053df7025ed8b48d26c66c1d9ca18643108cb6215dc105672a119066265c42e",
        "address": "0x3845badAde8e6dFF049820680d1F14bD3903a5d0",
        "blockHash": "0x94d8fa27ca9e5df6ff601fa66003de4532a2783a10ed26ca3a80ea391d23ea62",
        "blockNumber": 15187354

You can also see these messages directly in the RabbitMQ interface if management plugin is added. img

Extending and testing

Extending the code is straightforward, clone, set it up and develop. Testing is done using pytest, install development requirements for full required packages pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

In order to run tests a subset of connections needs to be passed for object initialisations. Required configs are same as for the initial but with testing in (e.g. a local server).

Example start test script:

@echo off
set RPC_ENDPOINT_HTTPS_URL=https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<your_API_key>
set RPC_ENDPOINT_WSS_URL=wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/<your_API_key>

set RABBIT_HOST_URL=localhost
set RABBIT_ROUTING_KEY=events.all
set RABBIT_USER=guest