
Practical Deep Learning in Haskell now!

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

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Still a work in progress. Stay tuned for updates.

Practical deep learning in Haskell built on the same C++ foundations as PyTorch with an extensive ecosystem. We've got Tensorboard support, efficient image manipulation support with imagemagick, HDF5 and Mat file support, and reinforcement learning with the OpenAI Gym (with Box2D and MuJoCo). Same speed, more safety, comprehensive, lots of pretrained models, and it works today. Check out examples of how to build typesafe CNNs like AlexNet and ResNet and language models based on stacked LSTMs, along with GANs and VAEs. You'll see how to efficiently stream data to them from datasets like MNIST, load pretrained models from PyTorch, transfer weights back to PyTorch, use Tensorboard, and everything else you need to write deep learning code in Haskell.

Unfortunately, Haskell suffers from major issues and limitations that basically make it useless as a language for machine learning or game development. We need your help GHC devs! See below


Writing deep learning code is too error-prone. We spend a lot of our time debugging subtle issues and fearing big refactors. That's exactly what Haskell is good at.


This library is built on top of all of the hard work of the PyTorch community. Haskell-Torch was developed by Andrei Barbu. Andrei is a research scientist at MIT working on understanding flexible human intelligence: how children learn language, how robots can understand language, how language enables us to perform new tasks, and how language is represented in the human brain.


You will first need Conda, a Python package manager. It's a simple install https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/#download-section

Then, run setup.sh

We strongly suggest adding this to your bashrc file:


OpenMP seems to have terrible heuristics around how many threads it should create causing constant issues. You may see strange problems on larger machines without setting this. Of course, you may want to set it to some number larger than 1. These problems can also occur in Haskell and the slowdowns on larger machines can be terrible (on a 50 core machine we see a nearly 40x slowdown compared to single core performance without this flag!).

After running setup.sh you can now build, just remember to also activate the environment. We've already built for you the first time.

conda activate haskell-torch
stack build haskell-torch --fast

If you are using Jupyter, build it and start it:

conda activate haskell-torch
stack install ihaskell --fast
stack exec ihaskell -- install --stack
stack exec jupyter -- notebook

Only the last command is needed in the future.

Since building takes some time and the Haskell code is not the dominant part of the runtime, feel free to use --fast.

If you have a CUDA-capable setup it will be automatically recognized and CUDA support will be enabled. If you change anything about CUDA support you will want to rerun setup.sh.

Note that code that requires CUDA will not typecheck unless you install a cuda-capable version!

If you are starting an IDE that has to talk to GHC, make sure to start that IDE from a shell where you have activated the haskell-torch environment in conda.

To run ghci from the commandline

stack ghci --no-load haskell-torch

Then, :load Torch and test things out with ones @TFloat @KCpu @'[3,1] >>= out You should see a vector printed to your terminal. Have fun!


  • How do I get started?

Read and run the example/tutorial code! The library is large, the types are complex, and the type errors can be really scary. That's why we have a comprehensive set of examples. You will find these in haskell-torch/src/Torch/Tutorial/Intro

Read through the tutorial and follow along with it. Then reproduce some of the networks in the tutorial yourself. That will give you a feel for how building up networks incrementally works in terms of how the types align, when things are too ambiguous, etc. Don't forget to use tensorboard. There's an example for that too.

  • Running stack ghci results in a slew of errors, what do I do?

That's normal and in any case, running ghci the standard way will load many modules on startup making it load times very painful. Instead, skip all of this and tell ghci to load only the haskell-torch package.

stack ghci --no-load haskell-torch

Then, :load Torch Now you're good to go!

  • I get ambiguous type errors, what should I do?

These are actually extremely common all over Haskell, in particular for numeric code. They're hidden by a defaulting mechanism, but this isn't exposed to users. So we can't pick defaults the way that the builtin libraries can. It would be nice if type checker plugins had access to defaults, but that's not the situation today.

We have several pure functions that let you deal with this. In particular the Tensor module has typed, sized, stored, like, onCpu, onCuda. None of these have any effect at runtime. They constrain the types of their inputs in particular ways. For example, typed @TFloat x ensures that x is a float, sized @'[2,3] x ensures that the tensor is 2 by 3, like x y returns y ensuring that its type is like x.

You may also find that errors come from GHC not running the constraint solver enough because the default limit is very low. GHC will tell you this is the case, you don't need to guess, but you may want to increase the maximum number of iterations with :set -fconstraint-solver-iterations=50 in GHC or with {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fconstraint-solver-iterations=50 #-} in your code.

  • How do I get started writing models?

Once you work through the tutorials you'll want to write your own models. Don't just jump into this! Reproduce one of the larger models in the examples from scratch by yourself step by step. This will give you a feel for how building networks works without having to worry about the parameters of the network. GHC is rather brittle today when it comes to the complex code in this library, so you'll want to follow a certain pattern when making new models. Otherwise, you'll end up with pages of crazy type errors.

Start by defining the type of your model, like:

forward :: _ -> DataPurpose -> (Tensor 'TFloat 'KCpu '[100, 3, 32, 32]) -> IO (Tensor 'TFloat 'KCpu '[100, 10])

You almost always want to take the DataPurpose as input (this tells you if the data is training data or test data; some layers behave differently at test and training time). The first parameter will contain the parameters and we clearly defined our input and output. I like to make even the batch size, 100 above, and the device, KCpu, concrete when developing the network and then relax them later (KCuda being another popular option). Write the code piping layers with >=> and end it with a hole like >=> _ to see what the current output is vs the desired output. Make the first argument of forward an n-tuple with the different weights/parameters. Haskell will infer the type of that n-tuple and eventually you can put it into a data declaration and call it whatever you want.

In the final code you will usually see at least one record that holds the parameters of the network. It's type is just derived by copying and pasting the type of the tuple that was being fed into the model, wrapping it in a record, and then using the RecordWildCards extension to replace the tuple. That's post-hoc, I don't find it a good strategy for development. It also fossilizes your network because the types of the inputs fix the types in the intermediate layers. Changing your network becomes very painful because you need to change both the record and the parameters of the layers in sync. I undo this record and switch back to an n-tuple or I parameterize the record by an additional n-tuple that holds other parameters until they can be moved into the record. Once we remove that there is little redundancy making network changes very quick and easy.

Note that we aren't jumping in the middle of a network and building out. And we aren't making our network polymorphic from the get-go. That's a recipe for disaster today, you want to start with concrete types. Inference is too brittle, errors are too messy, defaulting is a mess leading to ambiguity errors, and the layers are too polymorphic for this to be practical right now. It will get better with time.

If you want to port a model from PyTorch you should print it. This is far better than looking at the tensorboard graph, but note that some layers don't appear in the printout! It's good to both print it with print(module) and to look at print(torch.jit.trace(model, input).graph). You can significantly clean up the latter to remove constant nodes and list operations which are rarely relevant. The former tells you the parameters to every layer (or at least the ones that appear) and the latter is the truth about which operations actually occur and the sizes of all of the intermediate tensors. That's particularly useful in conjunction with this trick:

>=> (\x -> pure $ (x :: Tensor 'TFloat 'KCpu '[100, 64, 8, 8]))

You can insert that anywhere in your pipeline to ensure that certain tensors are of a particular size. GHC will then guide you to where the error is.

If you factor out some intermediate layers, it's often best to leave the constraints on those layers to GHC instead of trying to figure them out or inserting the insane types that are currently inferred. Check out T06_ResNet for the residual block. The inferred constraints on residualBlock are 38 lines long, 1148 characters. Some of these constraints are legitimate, but not all. This one is ok (1 <=? stride) ~ 'True but (2 <=? (inH TN.+ 2)) is pointless and obviously true.

One day we'll be able to put these constraints in, but the real issue is are the insanely long and incomprehensible ones that are legitimate:

outH ~ (((((Div (((inH TN.+ 2) TN.- 2) TN.- 1) stride TN.+ 1) TN.+ 2) TN.- 2) TN.- 1) TN.+ 1)

We will soon have a type checker plugin to simplify these. The actual constraint simplified is very readable and useful! outH ~ ((Div (inH TN.- 1) stride) TN.- 1) That's just a bit more awkward than out = ((inH - 1) / stride) - 1 but not too terrible.

  • How do I join in the fun and contribute?

We'd love to have more models, more datasets, more layers, more tutorials, etc. Head over to one of the many big libraries that PyTorch has an port over features.

Three guidelines for contributing: we want fast code, we want code that works exactly like the pytorch code in every way, and we want code that supports all of the options the original does. Horrible code that is fast is infinitely better than elegant but slow code! Refactoring in Haskell is awesome so we can clean code up, but every slow piece of code we have is technical debt and a showstopper for anyone that happens to depend on it. Better to be upfront about not having a feature than to have a slow non-replacement for that feature.

If you add a model, that model must be exactly the same as the original. No shortcuts. This includes every parameter, dropout layers, inplace operations, etc. It should produce floating-point equivalent results to the pytorch model.

If you add a feature, add every option that exists for that feature. You will notice that our functions take a lot options! Don't be shy. That's life in the ML world and the only alternative is to dumb things down, but then they stop being useful for serious research and development. Every feature we add that is missing options is technical debt we have to pay. We want people to have confidence that when the library says it does X, it does it well and it does it comprehensively. No surprises.

  • How does this compare feature-wise to PyTorch?

This library includes most common features and roughly two thirds of all of the features you would find in PyTorch and torchvision. We will soon reach feature parity. You will find that some functions are less polymorphic and split up into several alternatives, so the mapping between pytorch and haskell-torch the two is not one to one. Data loading and how networks are written is rather different. The major features unavailable at the moment are sparse tensors and a few scalar types like complex numbers. They're rarely seen in the real world at the moment and the overhead of adding them in vs. focusing on other features hasn't been worth it so far.

  • I have a PyTorch module, how do I translate it to Haskell-Torch?

There are two phases to this, first writing the Haskell code and second transferring the weights. To write the code, you can print your PyTorch model to get an idea of what it contains and what important parameters exist. You can also get a complete understanding of inputs, outputs, and operations by using the JIT. You can call your module like this script_module = torch.jit.trace(model, args) You can then print script_module.graph. It will show you the size of all inputs, outputs, and intermediate results as well as every single operation and its parameters along with most constants. The sizes of inputs and outputs are invaluable to helping GHC produce good error messages as you write code. See the answer on how to implement models in Haskell-Torch.

Loading the pretrained weights from PyTorch is easy, but you need to be mindful of the file formats involved. PyTorch provides several formats to save models, we support one of them, the TorchScript format. It bundles code & tensors, see Torch.StoredModel for more details, but we only read back the tensors. Once you trace your model as described above, you can save it script_module.save('/tmp/model.pt') You can load this model in PyTorch. Look at Torch.Models.Vision.AlexNet for an example of this and at Tutorial.Intro.T01_Basics for more.

One useful PyTorch trick is that you can add extra tensors to the stored model. If your model isn't producing the answer you expect, it can be useful to have access to the inputs it gets at each timestep or intermediate results. To do so, modify your PyTorch model to add new empty parameters, like self.hidden = nn.Parameter() then, before you save your model assign to this parameter model.hidden = nn.Parameter(mytensor) Then when you trace that tensor will be included in the trace. Note that you need to update this parameter before you call trace, you cannot update it in forward! These models and tensors can then be loaded into Haskell to compare against your results. Check out Tensor.allclose

  • I get an ambiguous type error in the middle of a computation because of broadcasting, what now?

GHC really needs to give us a handle to such ambiguities so that we can resolve them with plugins. Until then, you have two kinds of tools. Tensor.like takes two tensors and returns the second unchanged while making sure that its type is like that of the former. Tensor.like a b returns b and makes sure its type is the same as a. Second, you can annotate tensors with properties like size, see Tensor.sized, Tensor.typed, Tensor.stored, and similar functions.