
A simple and fast adapter/quality trimmer for fastq sequences

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Razor is a fast and simple adapter/quality trimming tool for fastq sequences. It uses the ERNE-FILTER[1] algorthm for quality trimming, which operates on both ends of a read. The 3' adapter-trimming algorithm works by moving from left to right in a read until a match is found using the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm[2], and then removing all bases after that point. Currently, Razor only works on unix-like systems, and requires the zlib compression library (www.zlib.net).

Razor supports reading and writing both uncompressed and gzipped fastq files; the format is determined by the filename suffix.


git clone https://github.com/abardill/razor
cd razor
gcc -o razor razor.c -Wall -lz -O2


Perform quality trimming with a threshold of 20, removing reads whose mean quality post-trimming is less than 15:

$ razor -q 20 -m 15 -o out.fq.gz in.fq.gz
82408952 reads were read
 1871332 reads underwent quality trimming
  715766 of these were filtered
10734758 bases were quality trimmed

Trim a 3' adapter, requiring its first 16 bases to be matched:

$ razor -a CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT --min-adapter-match 16 -o out.fq in.fq
13584188 reads were read
   22675 reads underwent adapter trimming
      35 of these were filtered
 1099363 adapter bases were trimmed

Read from standard input (denoted by '-') and trim adapters contained in a fasta file, discarding reads shorter than 30 bases. Write to standard output:

$ cat in.fq | razor -f adapters.fa -l 30 - > out.fq

Combine adapter and quality trimming (in that order), but retain reads which do not pass the --min-length and/or --min-mean-quality filters, replacing their sequence and quality strings with empty strings:

$ razor -f adapters.fa -q 30 --keep-empty -o out.fq.gz in.fq.gz

This is useful if you want to maintain pairing when trimming paired-end reads.

To print the full help information use

$ razor --help
Usage: razor [options] [in.fq]
  -o, --output=FILE		The file to output processed reads to. If unspecified, reads are written to stdout.
  -q, --quality-threshold=INT	Trim bases from 5' and 3' ends using the ERNE-FILTER algorithm.
  -l, --min-length=INT		After processing, discard sequences below a minimum length [20].
  -m, --min-mean-quality=INT	After quality trimming, discard reads below a minimum mean quality.
  -a, --adapter=STR		Adapter to be trimmed from the 3' ends of the reads.
  -f, --adapter-file=FILE	Fasta file containing adapter sequences.
  -M, --min-adapter-match=INT	The minimum number of leading bases a subsequence must share with an adapter
				for a match to occur [12].
  -k, --keep-empty		Sequences filtered according to the min-length and min-mean-quality options
				have their sequence and quality strings truncated to empty and are retained.
  -p, --phred=[33|64]		The phred encoding of the quality scores in the input fastq [33].
      --version			Display version information and exit.
      --help			Display this help text and exit.


[1] Fabbro, Cristian Del, Simone Scalabrin, Michele Morgante, and Federico M. Giorgi. “An Extensive Evaluation of Read Trimming Effects on Illumina NGS Data Analysis.” PLOS ONE 8, no. 12 (December 23, 2013): e85024. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085024

[2] Knuth, Donald; Morris, James H.; Pratt, Vaughan (1977). "Fast pattern matching in strings". SIAM Journal on Computing. 6 (2): 323–350. doi:10.1137/0206024.