

git clone ~/Documents/tmux_startup_session_selector

Terminals configuration


right click inside the terminator click in Preferences

navigate through tab: Profiles

navigate through sub-tab: Commands

check the box: Run a custom commmand instead of my shell

In the field: custom command: add the path to the script


right click inside the terminator click in Preferences

navigate through tab: Commands

check the box: Run a custom commmand instead of my shell


xterm -e "~/Documents/tmux_startup_session_selector/"

Iterm2 configuration

In Preferences, go to: Profiles -> General -> Command and choose: login shell

And add the path where this script is located:

bash ~/Documents/tmux_startup_session_selector/

vscode integrated terminal osx configuration

Press: ctrl + shift + P and write: Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)

Here you have to add the full path, if you kept the suggested structure, just change YOURUSER to your username and it will work.

"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx": ["/Users/YOURUSER/Documents/tmux_startup_session_selector/" ]

If it doesn't work just restart vscode.


The main idea behind this script was to facilitate when I open a new terminal have an easy way to choose a new/existent/or skip a new session of tmux without type any command, so it's helpful for me, hope it can help you, suggestions are welcome.


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