
A thin resilient JSON web client built around ruby's Net::HTTP

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Network Client

Gem Version Gem Build Status Test Coverage Code Climate License: MIT


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'network-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install the gem directly:

$ gem install network-client


Making JSON requests

Given this client set up:

require "network-client"

client = Network::Client.new(endpoint: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com')

We can perform the following requests:

  • GET
client.get '/todos/10'

#=> #<struct Network::Client::Response code=200, body={"userId"=>1, "id"=>10, "title"=>"illo est ...", "completed"=>true}>
  • POST
client.post '/todos', params: { title: 'foo bar', completed: 'false', userId: 1 }.to_json

#=> #<struct Network::Client::Response code=201, body={"title"=>"foo bar", "completed"=>false, "userId"=>1, "id"=>201}>
client.patch '/todos/10', params: { title: 'new title' }.to_json

#=> #<struct Network::Client::Response code=200, body={"userId"=>1, "id"=>10, "title"=>"new title", "completed"=>true}>
  • PUT
  client.put '/todos/43', params: { completed: false }.to_json

  #=> #<struct Network::Client::Response code=200, body={"completed"=>false, "id"=>43}> 
client.delete '/todos/25'

#=> #<struct Network::Client::Response code=200, body={}>

Returned Response

As appears in previous examples, the returned value of each successful request is a Response struct. It holds the response's HTTP code and body parsed as JSON.

response = client.get '/posts/30'
response.code  #=> 200
response.body  #=> { "userId"=>3, "id"=>30, "title"=>"a quo magni similique perferendis", "body"=>"alias dolor cumque ..." }

Setting Request Headers

Since this is mainly JSON web client, Accept and Content-Type headers are set to json by default.

You can override them and set extra headers during initialization by providing headers: argument:

headers = { 'X-SPECIAL-KEY' => '123456' }
client = Network::Client.new(endpoint: 'https://api.example.com', headers: headers)

Or on request basis with the headers: argument too:

client.get 'posts/', headers: { 'X-SPECIAL-KEY' => '123456' }

HTTP Authentication

  1. Basic:
# using `username` and `password` named parameters when initialized:

client = Network::Client.new(endpoint: 'https://api.example.com',
                             username: 'ABC', 
                             password: '999')
client.username  #=> "ABC"
client.password  #=> "999"

# or via `#set_basic_auth`:

client.set_basic_auth('John Doe', '112233')
client.username  #=> "John Doe"
client.password  #=> "112233"
  1. OAuth Bearer:
client.set_bearer_auth(token: 'e08f7739c3abb78c')
#=> "e08f7739c3abb78c"
  1. Token Based:
client.set_token_auth(header_value: 'Token token=sec_key_aZcNRzoCMpmdMEP4OEeDUQ==')
#=> "Token token=sec_key_aZcNRzoCMpmdMEP4OEeDUQ=="

Customizing User Agent

You can set the user agent header during initialization:

client = Network::Client.new(endpoint: 'https://maps.googleapis.com', user_agent: 'App Service')
client.user_agent  #=> "App Service"

Or later on via #set_user_agent method:

client.set_user_agent('Gateway Server')
client.user_agent  #=> "Gateway Server"

The default user agent is Network Client.

Retry and Error Handling

Set the tries: named argument to define the number of tries when request fails with one of the retryable errors.

client = Network::Client.new(endpoint: 'https://api.foursquare.com', tries: 3)
client.tries  #=> 3

The default #tries is 2.

To retrieve or extend the list of triable errors through #errors_to_recover:


#=> [Net::HTTPTooManyRequests, Net::HTTPServerError, Net::ProtocolError, Net::HTTPBadResponse,Net::ReadTimeout, Net::OpenTimeout, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, SocketError]

client.errors_to_recover << Net::HTTPRequestTimeOut

#=> [Net::HTTPTooManyRequests, Net::HTTPServerError, Net::ProtocolError, Net::HTTPBadResponse,Net::ReadTimeout, Net::OpenTimeout, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, SocketError, Net::HTTPRequestTimeOut]

The list of errors_to_propagate takes precedence over errors_to_recover, and they are not retried.

You can retrieve them for rescue in your application layer, and extend them too.

#=> [Net::HTTPRequestURITooLong, Net::HTTPMethodNotAllowed]

client.errors_to_propagate << Net::HTTPNotAcceptable
#=> [Net::HTTPRequestURITooLong, Net::HTTPMethodNotAllowed, Net::HTTPNotAcceptable]

Be careful not to add ancestor error class (higher in the inheritance chain) as it will prevent any of it's descendant classes from getting retried. Unless this is an intended behavior, of course.


When Rails is in scope, it's logger will be used by default.

If not, then it defaults to a fallback logger that writes to STDOUT.

Additionally, you can override with your custom logger by supplying block to #set_logger like so:

client = Network::Client.new(endpoint: 'https://api.foursquare.com')

client.set_logger { Logger.new(STDERR) }
#=> #<Logger:0x007fb3cd136d38 @progname=nil, @level=0, @default_formatter=#<Logger::Formatter:0x007fb3cd136d10 @datetime_format=nil>, @formatter=nil, @logdev=#<Logger::LogDevice:0x007fb3cd136c98 @shift_size=nil, @shift_age=nil, @filename=nil, @dev=#<IO:<STDERR>>, @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Thread::Mutex:0x007fb3cd136c70>>>


For more details, please refer to the API documentation.


Bug reports and pull requests are very much appreciated at Github.

  • Fork The repository.
  • Create a branch with the fix or feature name.
  • Make your changes (with test or README changes/additions if applicable).
  • Push changes to the created branch.
  • Create an Pull Request.
  • That's it!
