Before beginning, install Docker and verify its operation by running docker run hello-world
. If you encounter any issues connecting to the Docker service, check that your local user account is permitted to run Docker. Note: docker-compose
v1.20.0 or later is required.
You can build, deploy and populate Nautobot with the following steps
invoke build
invoke start
orinvoke debug
Nautobot will be available on port 8080 locally http://localhost
invoke destroy
invoke build
invoke db-import
invoke start
While the database is already running
invoke db-export
Several docker compose files are provided as overrides to allow for various development configurations, these can be thought of as layers to docker compose, each compose file is described below:
- Starts the required prerequisite redis and postgres servicesdocker-compose.base.yml
- Defines the Nautobot and the Nautobot worker service, how they should be run and
- Defines the default dev environment running a single nautobot and worker containers, these containers have volumes and ports exposed to the local machine to allow for automatic reloading of any changes to python files as well as all development dependenciesdocker-compose.local.yml
- Exposes the redis and postgres services to the local machine, this will allow users to runnautobot-server
commands in their local poetry
- Replaces the dev containers with prod containers, the main differences are the dev dependencies are not installed and there are no volumes, so any updates to the repo will require the containers to be rebuilt. This is useful to test the final container builds
- Provides an example compose file of what a production deployment of Nautobot in docker-compose might look like, adds multiple replicas, prometheus, and an nginx gateway.
The development environment can be used in 2 ways, first with inside a docker container as detailed above, second is in a local poetry environment for advanced development.
- Copy
(This file will be ignored by git and docker) - Define
if you are going to import the production DB you need to use the same secret key. - Uncomment the
variables inenvironments/creds.env
- Create an invoke.yml with the following contents at the root of the repo:
local: True
- "docker-compose.requirements.yml"
- "docker-compose.local.yml"
- Run the following commands:
poetry shell
poetry install
export $(cat environments/local_dev.env | xargs)
export $(cat environments/creds.env | xargs)
- You can now run nautobot-server commands as you would from the Nautobot documentation for example to start the development server:
nautobot-server runserver --insecure
This repo contains a self-signed SSL certificate in environments/nautobot.crt
and the private key in environments/nautobot.key
these files are injected into the nginx and Nautobot containers to ensure traffic is encrypted to the nginx container and between the nginx and Nautobot containers. These files can be replaced with signed certificates. The system is designed to listen on both port 443 (https) and 80 (http), the recommendation is to use port 80 for only non-sensitive traffic such as health checks only.
The project is coming with a CLI helper based on invoke to help manage the environments. The commands are listed below in 3 categories environment
, utility
and testing
Each command can be executed with invoke <command>
. All commands support the arguments --environment
if you want to manually define the environment to use. Each command also has its own help invoke <command> --help
build Build all docker images.
debug Start Nautobot and its dependencies in debug mode.
destroy Destroy all containers and volumes.
start Start Nautobot and its dependencies in detached mode.
stop Stop Nautobot and its dependencies.
db-export Export Database data to nautobot_backup.dump.
db-import Import test data.
cli Launch a bash shell inside the running Nautobot container.
makemigrations Run Make Migration in Django.
migrate Run database migrations in Django.
nbshell Launch a nbshell session.
tests Run all tests for this plugin.
pylint Run pylint code analysis.
pydocstyle Run pydocstyle to validate docstring formatting adheres to NTC defined standards.
bandit Run bandit to validate basic static code security analysis.
black Run black to check that Python files adhere to its style standards.
unittest Run Django unit tests for the plugin.
yamllint Run yamllint to validate Yaml files formatting.