
Customizable enigma machine emulator written in Python.

Primary LanguagePython


A customizable enigma machine implementation in Python. Supports an unlimited number of symbols and an unlimited number of rotors. Comes with preset rotors and reflectors actually used in WWII.


Clone the repository and run python3 main.py to run the default configuration.

The default decrypts the Enigma M4 message found on http://www.cryptomuseum.com/crypto/enigma/msg/p1030681.htm.


You can customize both the components and the settings of the enigma machine in main.py.

First, choose the components of the enigma machine to make up a StringEnigmaMachine object:

  • StringEnigmaMachine(symbols, reflector, *rotors)

Next, you can adjust the current settings of the machine with several methods:

  • ringSetting(settings)
  • startPosition(positions)
  • setCables(cables)

Alternatively, if you don't want to use strings you can create an EnigmaMachine object and specify a list of symbols of any type to use with the reflector and rotors:

  • EnigmaMachine(symbols, reflector, *rotors)

Encrypting / Decrypting

To encrypt or decrypt, simply create a new machine, choose some settings, then use the feedSymbols method to run a message through the machine:

  • feedSymbols(symbols)

Since enigma machines are symmetrical, encryption and decryption is the same process. Running an encrypted message through the machine again after changing the settings back will yield the unencrypted message.