
This project contents everything needed to build an openvpn docker image used by the Jenkins Infrastructure Project

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This project contents everything related to Jenkins infrastructure VPN. It includes the following elements:

  • Build an OpenVPN Docker image integrated with openldap.
  • Manage client configuration and certificate
  • Hold VPN keys for connecting on Jenkins infrastructure VPN

If you think that you should have access to this network, feel free to read HowTo Get client access.


To connect to this VPN, your VPN client must be configured with your Jenkins account and certificate authentication, requiring the following files:

  • The CertificateAuthority ca.crt

  • Your private key <your-jenkins-username>.key

    your private key must remain secret!

  • Your certificate <your-jenkins-username>.crt

See HowTo Get client access below.


HowTo get client access

To access the Jenkins infrastructure private network, you need a certificate containing your Jenkins username as CN (commonName). Then this certificate must be signed by an administrator who also assigns you a static IP configuration.

Feel free to follow the next action points:

  • Fork this repository on your own Github account: fork the repo

  • Clone your fork locally: git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/openvpn && cd openvpn

  • Build EASYVPN binary by running one of the following commands depending on your operating system:

    • make init_osx
    • make init_linux
    • make init_windows then copy ./utils/easyvpn/easyvpn.exe at the root of this repository
  • Generate your private key and certificate request: ./easyvpn request <your-jenkins-username> Your private key will be generated in ./cert/pki/private

    This key must remain secret!

  • Create a new Pull Request on jenkinsinfra/openvpn, main branch: How to Create a pull request

  • Open an INFRA ticket on JIRA referencing your PR

  • Grab a cup of coffee and wait patiently for an administrator to sign your certificate request

  • Once an admin notifies you that everything is setup, you can sync your fork then pull it to retrieve your certificate from ./cert/pki/issued/<your-jenkins-username>.crt

  • We recommend you to move the generated files and the ca.cert to an hidden folder in your home (~/.cert):

    mkdir -p ~/.cert/jenkins-infra
    mv ./cert/pki/issued/<your-jenkins-username>.crt ~/.cert/jenkins-infra/<your-jenkins-username>.crt
    mv ./cert/pki/private/<your-jenkins-username>.key ~/.cert/jenkins-infra/<your-jenkins-username>.key
    cp ./cert/pki/ca.crt ~/.cert/jenkins-infra/ca.crt
  • You can finally create the config file used by your VPN client.

Example here for Tunnelblick, an OSX VPN client, opening this file from the Finder should launch it:


remote vpn.jenkins.io 443
ca "~/.cert/jenkins-infra/ca.crt"
cert "~/.cert/jenkins-infra/<your-jenkins-username>.crt"
key "~/.cert/jenkins-infra/<your-jenkins-username>.key"
dev tun
proto tcp
script-security 2
user nobody
group nobody

With the NetworkManager client, you must enable the option Use this connection only for resources on its network

Windows only

If you want to use multiple VPN connections at the same time with OpenVPN, you have to install a new TAP adapter. This can be very easily by running as Admin the C:\Program Files\TAP-Windows\bin\addtap.bat. The TAP-Windows tool is installed in parallel with OpenVPN.

HowTo show request information

  • Enter in the VPN network directory: cd ~/.cert
  • Run make show-req name=<your-jenkins-username>

Howto validate your certificate

You can test if your private key matches your certificate and certificate request by running following commands:

openssl pkey -in ~/.cert/pki/private/<your-jenkins-username>.key -pubout -outform pem | sha256sum
# Should be equal to
openssl x509 -in ~/.cert/pki/issued/<your-jenkins-username>.crt -pubkey -noout -outform pem | sha256sum
# And also equal to
openssl req -in ~/.cert/pki/reqs/<your-jenkins-username>.req -pubkey -noout -outform pem | sha256sum

DNS Problems

If you are having issues connecting to resources behind the VPN, but the VPN appears to be working correctly, check your DNS settings. Some providers seem to filter out requests to the zone. To test, try dig release.ci.jenkins.io, you should get something like this:

dig output (click to expand)
; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> release.ci.jenkins.io
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 13457
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1220
;release.ci.jenkins.io.         IN      A

release.ci.jenkins.io.  3600    IN      CNAME   private.aks.jenkins.io.
private.aks.jenkins.io. 3600    IN      A

;; Query time: 80 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Oct 12 20:49:59 CEST 2021
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 92

To enable a different DNS provider only when connected to the VPN you can add the following to you OpenVPN config file:

dhcp-option DNS


HowTo become an administrator

To add/revoke certificates, you must be allowed to decrypt ./cert/pki/private/ca.key.enc. This file is encrypted with sops and your public gpg key must be added to ./.sops.yaml by an existing administrator.

This repository relies on easy-rsa.

HowTo show certificate information

  • Install sops
  • Enter in the VPN network directory: cd ~/.cert
  • Run make decrypt
  • Run make show-cert name=<your-jenkins-username>

HowTo approve client access?

To validate and sign a client certificate, you are going to execute the following actions:

  • Build EASYVPN binary by running one of the following commands depending on your
    • make init_osx
    • make init_linux
    • make init_windows then copy ./utils/easyvpn/easyvpn.exe at the root of this repository
  • Using the official GitHub command line gh, checkout the Pull Request of by the requester to retrieve their CRL your local machine:
gh pr checkout <Pull Request ID>
  • Sign the certificate request: ./easyvpn sign <CN_to_sign>
  • Commit and push on the current PR with git add . && git commit -s -m "Sign CRL of <requester name>" && git push
  • Approve and merge the Pull Request to the main branch with the signed CRL
  • Once merged, a new tag should be created automatically with automatic publishing of the image
  • The Docker image tag should be automatically updated in the next 24h in the puppet configuration.

HowTo revoke client access?

  • Build EASYVPN binary by running one of the following commands depending on your
    • make init_osx
    • make init_linux
    • make init_windows and copy ./utils/easyvpn/easyvpn.exe at the root of this repository
  • Revoke the certificate: ./easyvpn revoke <CN_to_sign>
  • The Docker image tag should be automatically updated in the next 24h in the puppet configuration.

HowTo review certificate revocation list

If the CRL (Certificate Revocation list) expired, then the OpenVPN logs will contain errors like 'VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=CRL has expired:...' We can run openssl crl -in ./cert/pki/crl.pem -noout -text to validate that the CRL expired and that we need to generate a new one.

To generate a new CRL:

  • Decrypt ca.key sops -d ./cert/pki/private/ca.key.enc > ./cert/pki/private/ca.key
  • Generate a new crl.pem - cd cert ; ./easyrsa gen-crl ; cd ..
  • Publish the new crl.pem - git add ./cert/pki/crl.pem && git commit ./cert/pki/crl.pem -s -m 'Renew revocation list certificate'
  • Delete local ca.key - rm ./cert/pki/private/ca.key



This image can be configured at runtime with different environment variables:

  • AUTH_LDAP_BINDDN Define user dn used to query the ldap database
  • AUTH_LDAP_URL Define ldap endpoint url
  • AUTH_LDAP_PASSWORD Define user dn password
  • AUTH_LDAP_GROUPS_MEMBER Define required group member to authenticate

Some examples can be found inside docker-compose.yaml


To test this image, you need a "mock" ldap and SSL certificates, then go in the root folder and run make start to start the ldap and vpn service.

Certificates must be readable by UID 101!


This project is designed to work with the following requirements:

  • Machine provisioned by Terraform
  • Service configured and orchestrated by Puppet


Feel free to contribute to this image by:

  1. Fork this project into your account
  2. Make your changes in your local fork
  3. Submit a pull request with a description and a link to a Jira ticket
  4. Ask for a review


Please report any issue on the Jenkins infrastructure project
