
Runtime API and Driver API examples

Primary LanguageCuda


Runtime API and Driver API examples

Driver API example code based on code found at https://gist.github.com/tautologico/2879581


  1. Ensure that you are in the driver_api folder

  2. nvcc -o matSumKernel.fatbin -fatbin matSumKernel.cu -lcuda

  3. nvcc -o drivertest.o -c drivertest.cpp -lcuda

  4. nvcc -o drivertest drivertest.o -lcuda

  5. ./drivertest > output-fatbin.txt

PTX part

  1. nvcc -o matSumKernel.ptx -ptx matSumKernel.cu -lcuda
  2. nvcc -o drivertest.o -c drivertest.cpp -lcuda
  3. nvcc -o drivertest drivertest.o -lcuda
  4. ./drivertest > output-ptx.txt

Runtime API example code based on code found at https://gist.github.com/al-indigo/4dd93d48a2886db6b1ac

Runtime part

  1. Ensure that you are in the runtime_api folder
  2. nvcc -o vector_add vector_add.cu
  3. ./vector_add > output-runtime.txt