
Kubernetes single node Cluster Setup

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Kubernetes single node Cluster Setup

This repo hosts the code to provision single node Kubernetes cluster in AWS using Terraform (IAC) in single hit of terraform apply.

Resources this code creates

  • VPC
  • Subnet
  • Internet Gateway
  • Route Tables
  • Elastic IP
  • Security Groups
  • EC2 Instance
  • KeyPair

Prerequisites ( Should be setup on local machine)


  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Kubectl 1.14
  • Terraform v0.11.13
  • Ansible 2.7.6


  • Setup the tools mentioned in Prerequisites.

  • Clone the repo to your local machine.

  • Change the variables.tf ( AWS account key and AWS secret Key and other accordingly).

  • Create a public and private key using ssh-keygen command and provide a reference in security.tf accordingly. (Keep the name as kube_key to avoid making changes to the code and keep the private key safe)

  • Run command to initialize terraform

    • terraform init
    • terraform plan (just a verification step)
    • terraform apply
  • Wait for terraform to provision the infrastructure for running kubernetes cluster.

  • Once terraform completes, it will provide you a public IP ( Note it down )

  • Setup Kubectl on your local machince Mac users

    • brew install kubectl
  • Edit $HOME/.kube/config Change x.x.x.x to the public IP of the provisioned instance (Noted above)

    • server: https://x.x.x.x:6443
  • Try command

    • "$ kubectl --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true get nodes"

Boom! You have single node K8 cluster ready.

Note: Ansible proivisioner for terraform is still under consideration and not supported formally by Terraform. This code is using terraform provisioners namely remote-exec and local-exec running ansible playbook remotely.