
Harness Test

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Harness Test


This project has two main folders. 'backend' has the django part and 'frontend' has the react part.


Follow these steps to run the backend server

  • Create a virtual env
  • Install the packages from the backend/requirements.txt fil
  • While in the backend folder run 'python manage.py makemigrations' from the command line
  • After that run 'python manage.py migrate'
  • Finall run 'python manage.py runserver'

Note: If you want to access the admin panel follow these steps:

  • Run 'python manage.py createsuperuser' and provide the details it asks for
  • Go to '' and add the credentials


Follow these steps to run the frontend server

  • While the frontend folder run 'npm install' from the command line
  • Run 'npm start'
  • Testing the features of the project is very straight forward from that point