
Primary LanguageC

Project pipex

pipex is a program that aims to replicate the functionality of a shell pipeline, i.e., cmd1 | cmd2.


The project mainly consists of these files:

  • main.c: Contains the main function and initializes the pipeline.
  • child.c: Contains logic for each child process to execute commands.
  • error_print.c: Contains the error function for printing out errors.
  • free.c: Contains functions to free allocated memory.
  • helper_functions_1.c and helper_functions_2.c: Contain helper functions to facilitate the main program.
  • pipex.h: Header file which contains macro definitions and the function prototypes.


The project comes with a Makefile that is responsible for compiling the code. The commands in the Makefile are as follows:

  1. Compiling:


    This will produce the executable named pipex.

  2. Clean:

    make clean

    This command will remove the object files that were created during the compilation process.

  3. Full Clean:

    make fclean

    This command will not only remove the object files but also the compiled pipex binary.

  4. Re-compiling:

    make re

    This command is a shortcut for running fclean followed by make, essentially re-compiling the whole project.

How It Works:

  1. Setting up the pipeline:

    • Two pipes are created to facilitate communication between the two commands.
    • child1 function corresponds to the first command's execution. It reads data from the input file and writes the processed data to the write-end of the first pipe.
    • child2 function corresponds to the second command's execution. It reads the data from the read-end of the first pipe, processes it, and writes the final output to the output file.
  2. Executing commands:

    • Each command is executed in its child process.
    • The program uses execve to replace the current process image with a new process image based on the command and its arguments.
  3. Error Handling:

    • Errors such as invalid arguments, failed file operations, or failed command executions are handled and appropriate error messages are displayed.
  4. Memory Management:

    • All allocated memory spaces are properly freed before the program's termination to avoid memory leaks.

How To Use:

  1. Compiling the code:

  2. Running the program:

    ./pipex infile "cmd1" "cmd2" outfile

    Where infile is the input file, cmd1 and cmd2 are the two commands you want to execute in a pipeline, and outfile is the output file.

For example, to simulate the shell command cat infile | grep "some_text" > outfile, you would run:

./pipex infile "cat" "grep 'some_text'" outfile


Developed by atoof at Hive Helsinki.


This is just a basic overview of the pipex project. For a deeper understanding, diving into the code and understanding each function in detail is recommended. You can view this project on my GitHub repositoryhttps://github.com/abbastoof/Pipex/).