
Primary LanguageSwift

School Space

School Space is a school management app built with SwiftUI and Swift. It provides a comprehensive solution for managing various aspects of a school, including attendance tracking, quizzes, exams, user management, and more.


  • Attendance tracking: Keep track of student attendance and generate reports.
  • Quizzes and exams: Create and manage quizzes and exams for different classes.
  • User management: Manage students, teachers, parents, and administrators.
  • Messaging system: Enable communication between teachers, parents, and administrators.
  • Class management: Organize classes, subjects, and class schedules.


  • Xcode [version]
  • Swift [version]
  • SwiftUI [version]
  • Cocoapods [version]

Getting Started


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [repository_url]

Open the Xcode project:

bash Copy code cd SchoolSpace open SchoolSpace.xcodeproj Install dependencies using Cocoapods:

bash Copy code pod install Configuration [Specify any configuration steps required, such as API keys, backend URLs, etc.] Running the App Build and run the app in Xcode using the simulator or a connected iOS device. Dependencies [List any third-party libraries or frameworks used in your project, along with installation instructions.] Contributing We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to contribute to School Space, please follow these guidelines:

Fork the repository. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. Commit your changes and push them to your fork. Submit a pull request detailing your changes. License [Specify the license under which your app is distributed. For example, MIT License, Apache License 2.0, etc.]

Authors [Abbes Mohamed] [Beyram Ayedi] Contact For any inquiries or support, please contact:

[abbesdev.work@gmail.com] [Beyram Ayedi]