
mConnect Data Explorer UI Component (vue-ts)

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

@mconnect/mc-explorer | mConnect Data Explorer UI Component (vue-UI component)

  • Smart, Simple & Versatile UI data explorer, built using vue3 composition API

  • Explorer window with infinite data display and scrolling

  • Include optional datatable paging of batch records, depends on @mconnect/mc-data-table UI package

  • Development & Documentation In progress


npm install @mconnect/mc-explorer

// include the data-table style in your application
import "@mconnect/mc-explorer/dist/stye.css"

Components and Features

  • screen short
  • McExplore: entry point for defining the data view/explorer options, structure and contents

Usage Specifications

  • You may import McExplorer, McExplorerDatatable & McExplorerNoData as components into your UI view/page
import {McExplorer, McExplorerDatatable, McExplorerNoData} from "@mconnect/mc-explorer";
import type {DataField, DataFetchAlertResult} from "@mconnect/mc-explorer"
  • activate the McExplorer component in your UI template, and provide the required and/or optional props
  <McDataTable v-if="dataItems.length > 0" data-fields="" data-items="" data-stats="" data-fetch-alert=""/>


<script setup lang="ts">
  import {McExplorer, McExplorerDatatable, McExplorerNoData,} from "@mconnect/mc-explorer"
  import {ref} from "vue"
  // McDataTable props
  const dataItems = Array<ObjectType>([])

  // McExplorerDatatable props, in addition to McDataTable

  // McExplorerNoData props

  • usage example