
auto merge the options from different source

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


auto-merge options.


combiner = require 'option-combiner'

combiner ['env', github: 'abbshr', gitlab: 'Lorem Ipsum', './conf/config']
.merge [PWD: '/root'], no

# => { ... }

src_a =
  a: 1
  b: 2
  c: 3
  d: 4

src_b =
  a: 3
  b: 4
  c: 5
  d: 6

src_c =
        e111: 6
      e12: 5
    e2: 8
  f: 'gg'
    g1: 'tt'
    g2: 'xx'

combiner [src_c, src_b, src_a]
  'three': ['b', 'e.e1.e11.e111', 'e.e1.e2.e3']
  'two': ['d', 'g.g1']

# =>
# { a: 3,
#   c: 5,
#   e: { e1: { e11: {}, e12: 5 }, e2: 8 },
#   f: 'gg',
#   g: { g2: 'xx' },
#   three: 4,
#   two: 6 }


Class: combiner

# generate a combiner by a given list
combiner optionsList
  • optionsList: {Array(Alias|Object|Path)}, default to be an empty array. Item can be object, alias (which pre-defined in 'lib/relation-resolver.coffee'), or a path, if the path is a relative path, it relative to __dirname.
optionsList = [
  github: 'abbshr', gitlab: 'Lorem Ipsum'


options combined in series of how they have been defined.

Basic Operation: defineMapping

combiner.defineMapping relationship
  • relationship: {Array(Object)}, extend mapping.
relationship = [
  map_a: src1
  map_b: src2

Basic Operation: merge

combiner.merge optionsList, priori
  • optionsList: {Array(Object)}, default to be an empty array. Item must be object.
  • priori: {Boolean}, means whether overriding the option by this optionsList or not. Default to be false.

Advanced Operation: defineRule

combiner.defineRule rules
  • rules: {Object {alias: Array(String)}}, define the map set to tell how combiner recognize the fields.


Rules consist of lists which filter by groups. Groups are treated in the same priority. Each group contains the rules that have familiar semantic.

rules =
  alias1: ['MYSQL_URL', 'database.mysql.host'] # group one
  alias2: ['MEMCACHED_PORT', 'cache.port'] # group two
  alias3: ['ADDRESS', 'URL', 'appUrl'] # group three


alias is the name of the ruleset-group, which will be inserted into the final option. alias can be written in chain mode:

rules =
  'mysql.host': ['MYSQL_URL', 'database.mysql.host']

# options =>
# mysql:
#   host: 'xxx'

this will create the embed sstruct in the final option object.