========================== Anaf: A Business Management Platform
Help is always appreciated, create issues and pull requests
Join our Translation project: https://poeditor.com/join/project/MBZpaTFrAY
My current focus is migrating from piston to DRF
For those coming from Tree.io:
You can drop in this on a current Tree.io installation, for now I use the same models to ease moving, for any change on a model migrations migrations will be provided.
You will need to update your settings in settings.py, Anaf uses similar naming but with its own prefix ('ANAF_')
Current status:
- Django 1.7 support
- Django 1.8 support
- Get to 100% test coverage
- Resolve scrutinizer and landscape issues
- Documentation
- Help putting a site online
- Expanding travis test scenarios
- Selenium tests
- setup.py
- Leave django-piston to DRF
For now use the install/ubuntu.sh script, it should install the dependencies and Anaf with default settings
Anaf is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
Anaf comes with no warranty, Anaf Ltd. can accept no responsibility for any damages, losses etc.