
An Express/Node.js based implementation of the AutoRenter API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

AutoRenter - Express/Node.js

An Express/Node.js based implementation of the AutoRenter API.


These instructions will cover usage information for the API.


  • Make sure the project is at a location with minimal file path length (this is especially important in a Windows environment!). For this project we strongly recommend c:/aur/api as the project root.
  • Install Git.
  • Install Node (tested on version 6.2.2)

How To

  • Unless otherwise noted, all terminal commands must be issued from the project's root directory.

Install project libraries

npm install

Lint the code

npm run lint

Run tests

Note that this will lint the code before running tests. No tests will run if lint errors are found.

npm test

Start the API app

To start the API with all debug logging enabled (recommended):

npm start

Browse the app

After successfully starting the API app, you should be able to view data by browsing to (localhost:3000/api/locations). For more in-depth testing, use a web debugging tool such as Fiddler or Postman.

Postman collection

Recommended Development Workflow

The following steps describe the recommended development workflow.

  1. Pull from the development branch.
  2. As described above:
  3. Install project libraries.
  4. Run tests.
  5. Start the API.
  6. Browse the API.

If you encounter problems with any of this, please see the Troubleshooting section, below.

If you are implementing a new feature, in addition to the previous steps you should:

  1. Create a feature branch by branching off of development.
  2. Implement your feature. Note that during this process you should regularly (at least 1x/day) merge the development branch into your feature branch to ensure your code is staying current with work being done by the rest of the team.
    1. Develop
      1. Make changes to code, scripts, unit tests, etc.
      2. Lint your code.
      3. Run the tests.
      4. Browse the API.
      5. Repeat until you have something meaningful to commit to your feature branch.
    2. Commit changes to your feature branch.
    3. Repeat these feature implementation steps until the feature is ready to review.
  3. Open a pull request to merge your feature branch into development.


API or Test Commands Don't Work Due To Missing Dependencies

  • Re-run npm install to verify that your dependencies are up to date.

Too Many Debug messages

When starting the API with npm start, all log messages will be displayed. To fine tune logging, set a specific logging level using the LOGGER_LEVEL environment variable or config value:

Using environment variables

In non-window environments:

LOGGER_LEVEL="warn" node server

In windows:

set LOGGER_LEVEL="warn"
node server

Everything Is Hosed!

Sometimes you just need to completely clean your development environment before starting over from the beginning. The following commands will help you start from a "clean slate":

# Blow away the node_modules folder:
rm -rf node_modules

Express debugging

To see all the internal logs used in Express, set the DEBUG environment variable to express:* when launching your app.

DEBUG=express:* node index.js

On Windows, use the corresponding command.

set DEBUG=express:* & node index.js

To see the logs only from the router implementation set the value of DEBUG to express:router. Likewise, to see logs only from the application implementation set the value of DEBUG to express:application, and so on.

Additional Information

This section contains additional information about the development environment.

Container Parameters

Environment Variables

  • LOGGER_LEVEL - Set the logging level
    • Examples:
      • error
      • warn
      • info
      • verbose
      • debug
      • silly
  • HOST - Sets the API server host
  • PORT - Sets the API server port

Useful File Locations

  • /server - API source
  • /tests - Test source


Please read the CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • Fusion Alliance for the initiative to create a community of open source development within our ranks.