Transferable Feature Representation for Visible-to-Infrared Cross-Dataset Human Action Recognition (Complexity 2018)

Primary LanguageMATLAB


ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-9423-9252

Homepage: https://yangliu9208.github.io/home/

Codes for paper "Transferable Feature Representation for Visible-to-Infrared Cross-Dataset Human Action Recognition"


Recently, infrared human action recognition has attracted increasing attention for it has many advantages over visible light, that is, being robust to illumination change and shadows. However, the infrared action data is limited until now, which degrades the performance of infrared action recognition. Motivated by the idea of transfer learning, an infrared human action recognition framework using auxiliary data from visible light is proposed to solve the problem of limited infrared action data. In the proposed framework, we first construct a novel Cross-Dataset Feature Alignment and Generalization (CDFAG) framework to map the infrared data and visible light data into a common feature space, where Kernel Manifold Alignment (KEMA) and a dual aligned-to-generalized encoders (AGE) model are employed to represent the feature. Then, a support vector machine (SVM) is trained, using both the infrared data and visible light data, and can classify the features derived from infrared data. The proposed method is evaluated on InfAR, which is a publicly available infrared human action dataset. To build up auxiliary data, we set up a novel visible light action dataset XD145. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve state-of-the-art performance compared with several transfer learning and domain adaptation methods.


figFigure 1: Illustration of aligned-to-generalized encoders generalizing aligned features across visible light and infrared action datasets.

Experimental results



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More experimental results and discussions can be found in paper.


We build a new visible light human action recognition dataset XD145. It can be downloaded here.


​ Figure 2: 12 actions of the newly constructed visible light action dataset XD145.

InfAR dataset can be downloaded after you have finished following steps.
Download instructions:
To apply for the dataset, please follow the steps below:
1. Download and print the document Agreement for using XD145 dataset.
2. Sign the agreement.
3. Send the agreement to aryanr@163.com.
4. Check your email to find a login account and a password of our website after one day, if your application has been approved.
5. Download the XD145 dataset from our website with the authorized account within 48 hours.

Copyright Note and Contacts:
The dataset is released for research and educational purposes. We hold no liability for any undesirable consequences of using the dataset. All rights of the XD145 dataset are reserved.
Any person or organization is not permitted to distribute, publish, copy, or disseminate this dataset.


​ Figure 3: Example images from video sequences on the InfAR dataset.


(1) iDTs feature extraction codes ("DenseTrackStab_idt.rar") can be downloaded here.

(2) After iDTs feature extraction, you need to run "import_idt.m" to load the binary iDTs files in Matlab.

(3) Run "CDFAG_demo.m".

If you use our codes or XD145 dataset and find our work useful, please kindly consider to cite our paper by:

  title={Transferable Feature Representation for Visible-to-Infrared Cross-Dataset Human Action Recognition},
  author={Yang Liu and Zhaoyang Lu and Jing Li and Chao Yao and Yanzi Deng},
  pages = {1--20},
  doi = {10.1155/2018/5345241}


Yang Liu, Zhaoyang Lu, Jing Li, Chao Yao, and Yanzi Deng, “Transferable Feature Representation for Visible-to-Infrared Cross-Dataset Human Action Recognition,” Complexity, vol. 2018, 2018.

If you have any question about this code, feel free to reach me(aryanr@163.com)