
A fast, energy efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner for Cordova apps.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status npm npm Dependency Status Commitizen friendly


A fast, energy efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner for Cordova apps. Currently iOS and browser only.

QRScanner's live video preview is rendered behind the Cordova app's native webview, and the native webview's background is made transparent. This allows for an HTML/CSS/JS interface to be built inside the webview to control the scanner.

Get Started

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-qrscanner

On most platforms, simply adding the plugin to the Cordova project will make the window.QRScanner global object available.


// For the best user experience, make sure the user is ready to give your app
// camera access before you issue the prompt.

QRScanner.prepare(onDone); // prompt for access

function onDone(status){
  if (status.authorized) {
    // W00t, you have camera access and the scanner is initialized.
  } else {
        // The video preview will remain black, and scanning is disabled. We can
        // try to ask the user to change their mind, but we'll have to send them
        // to their device settings with `QRScanner.openSettings()`.

// Later in your app, when you're ready to show the video preview:

// Make the webview transparent so the video preview is visible behind it.
// (Optional on iOS.)

// Start a scan. Scanning will continue until something is detected or
// `QRScanner.cancelScan()` is called.

function displayContents(text){
  // The scan completed, display the contents of the QR code:

iOS Installation

This plugin requires some additional installation steps for the iOS platform.

The iOS component of the plugin is written in Swift 2. To enable it, be sure you're running the lastest version of Xcode, then add the following hook to the iOS platform in your Cordova app's config.xml:

<platform name="ios">
    <hook type="before_build" src="plugins/cordova-plugin-qrscanner/scripts/swift-support.js" />

This script requires the xcode npm module:

npm install --save xcode

Swift will now be enabled during your build, and the QRScanner plugin will be available in your app.

Using multiple Cordova plugins written in Swift

Because Cordova is written in Objective-C, Cordova plugins written in Swift require a bridging header to interact with Cordova.

A project can only have one bridging header. If your app uses plugins other than cordova-plugin-qrscanner which are also written in Swift, you will need to create a master bridging header to import each. Create a new bridging header and import each of the plugins' bridging headers, for example:

//  MyProject-Bridging-Header.h
//  Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift.

#import "Watch-Bridge.h"

#import "iosrtc-Bridging-Header.h"

#import "QRScanner-Bridging-Header.h"

Copy the script from cordova-plugin-qrscanner/scripts/swift-support.js into your project (eg. into the hooks folder), and modify the BRIDGING_HEADER_END variable to point to your new bridging header. Finally, remove and re-add the ios platform to trigger the hook. See this issue for more information.


With the exception of QRScanner.scan(), all callbacks are optional.


var done = function(err, status){
  } else {
    console.log('QRScanner is initialized. Status:');


Request permission to access the camera (if not already granted), prepare the video preview, and configure everything needed by QRScanner. This will only be visible if QRScanner.show() has already made the webview transparent.


var callback = function(err, contents){
  alert('The QR Code contains: ' + contents);


Sets QRScanner to "watch" for valid QR codes. Once a valid code is detected, it's contents are passed to the callback, and scanning is toggled off. If QRScanner.prepare() has not been called, this method performs that setup as well. The video preview does not need to be visible for scanning to function.


Cancels the current scan. If QRScanner.prepare() has not been called, this method performs that setup as well.



Configures the native webview to have a transparent background, then sets the background of the <body> and parent elements to transparent, allowing the webview to re-render with the transparent background.

To see the video preview, your application background must be transparent in the areas through which it should show.



Configures the native webview to be opaque with a white background, covering the video preview.


QRScanner.enableLight(function(err, status){
  err && console.error(err);

Enable the device's light (for scanning in low-light environments). If QRScanner.prepare() has not been called, this method performs that setup as well.

QRScanner.disableLight(function(err, status){
  err && console.error(err);

Disable the device's light. If QRScanner.prepare() has not been called, this method performs that setup as well.

Camera Reversal

QRScanner defaults to the back camera, but can be reversed. If QRScanner.prepare() has not been called, these methods perform that setup as well.

QRScanner.useFrontCamera(function(err, status){
  err && console.error(err);

Switch video capture to the device's front camera.

QRScanner.useBackCamera(function(err, status){
  err && console.error(err);

Switch video capture to the device's back camera.

Video Preview Control


Pauses the video preview on the current frame (as if a snapshot was taken).


Resumes the video preview.

Open App Settings

  if(!status.authorized && status.canOpenSettings){
    if(confirm("Would you like to enable QR code scanning? You can allow camera access in your settings.")){

Open the app-specific permission settings in the user's device settings. Here the user can enable/disable camera (and other) access for your app.

Note: iOS immediately kills all apps affected by permissions changes. If the user changes a permission settings, your app will stop and only restart when they return.

Get QRScanner Status

  "authorized": Boolean
  "denied": Boolean
  "restricted": Boolean
  "prepared": Boolean
  "scanning": Boolean
  "previewing": Boolean
  "showing": Boolean
  "lightEnabled": Boolean
  "canOpenSettings": Boolean
  "canEnableLight": Boolean
  "currentCamera": Number

Retrieve the status of QRScanner and provide it to the callback function.

Status Object Properties

Name Description
authorized On iOS and Android 6.0+, camera access is granted at runtime by the user (by clicking "Allow" at the dialog). The authorized property is a boolean value which is true only when the user has allowed camera access to your app (AVAuthorizationStatus.Authorized). On platforms with permissions granted at install (Android pre-6.0, Windows Phone) this property is always true.
denied A boolean value which is true if the user permenantly denied camera access to the app (AVAuthorizationStatus.Denied). Once denied, camera access can only be gained by requesting the user change their decision (consider offering a link to the setting via openSettings()).
restricted A boolean value which is true if the user is unable to grant permissions due to parental controls, organization security configuration profiles, or similar reasons.
prepared A boolean value which is true if QRScanner is prepared to capture video and render it to the view.
showing A boolean value which is true when the preview layer is visible (and on all platforms but browser, the native webview background is transparent).
scanning A boolean value which is true if QRScanner is actively scanning for a QR code.
previewing A boolean value which is true if QRScanner is displaying a live preview from the device's camera. Set to false when the preview is paused.
lightEnabled A boolean value which is true if the light is enabled.
canOpenSettings A boolean value which is true only if the users' operating system is able to QRScanner.openSettings().
canEnableLight A boolean value which is true only if the users' device can enable a light in the direction of the currentCamera.
canChangeCamera A boolean value which is true only if the current device "should" have a front camera. The camera may still not be capturable, which would emit error code 3, 4, or 5 when the switch is attempted.
currentCamera A number representing the index of the currentCamera. 0 is the back camera, 1 is the front.



Runs hide(), stops scanning, video capture, and the preview, and deallocates as much as possible. (E.g. to improve performance/battery life when the scanner is not likely to be used for a while.) Basically reverts the plugin to it's startup-state.

Error Handling

Many QRScanner functions accept a callback with an error parameter. When QRScanner experiences errors, this parameter contains a QRScannerError object with properties name (String), code (Number), and _message (String). When handling errors, rely only on the name or code parameter, as the specific content of _message is not considered part of the plugin's stable API.

QRScanner.scan(function(err, contents){
    if(err.name === 'SCAN_CANCELED') {
      console.error('The scan was canceled before a QR code was found.');
    } else {
  console.log('Scan returned: ' + contents);

Possible Error Types

Code Name Description
0 UNEXPECTED_ERROR An unexpected error. Returned only by bugs in QRScanner.
1 CAMERA_ACCESS_DENIED The user denied camera access.
2 CAMERA_ACCESS_RESTRICTED Camera access is restricted (due to parental controls, organization security configuration profiles, or similar reasons).
3 BACK_CAMERA_UNAVAILABLE The back camera is unavailable.
4 FRONT_CAMERA_UNAVAILABLE The front camera is unavailable.
5 CAMERA_UNAVAILABLE The camera is unavailable because it doesn't exist or is otherwise unable to be configured. (Also returned if QRScanner cannot return one of the more specific BACK_CAMERA_UNAVAILABLE or FRONT_CAMERA_UNAVAILABLE errors.)
6 SCAN_CANCELED Scan was canceled by the cancelScan() method. (Returned exclusively to the QRScanner.scan() method.)
7 LIGHT_UNAVAILABLE The device light is unavailable because it doesn't exist or is otherwise unable to be configured.
8 OPEN_SETTINGS_UNAVAILABLE The device is unable to open settings.

Platform Specific Details

This plugin attempts to properly abstract all the necessary functions of a well-designed, native QR code scanner. Here are some platform specific details it may be helpful to know.


This plugin is always tested with the latest version of Xcode. Please be sure you have updated Xcode before installing.

If you run into issues in your own project, try the test project in this repo to confirm your environment is set up properly: npm run gen-tests && npm run test:ios.


While the browser implementation matches the native mobile implementations very closely, the platform itself does not. Notably:

  • multiple cameras – most laptops/desktops do not have access to multiple cameras – so there is no concept of a "front" or "back" camera
  • light – we are not aware of any devices for the browser platform which have a "light" (aka. "torch") – should a device like this be produced, and if this spec is implemented by Chromium, this plugin will attempt to support it.

The browser implementation of this plugin is designed to abstract these platform differences very thoroughly. It's recommended that you focus your development efforts on implementing this plugin well for one of the mobile platform, and the browser platform implementation will degrade gracefully from there.

Video Preview DOM Element

Unlike the other platforms, it's not possible to spawn the <video> preview behind the <html> and <body> using only Javascript. Trying to mimick the effect by making the element a sibling to either the <html> or <body> elements also produces inconsistent results (ie: no rendering on Chromium). Instead, this plugin appends the <video> element as the final child of the <body> element, and applies styling to cover the entire background.

As a consequence, you should assume that your <body> element will be completely obscured from view as soon as the plugin is prepare()ed. When building your application, apply styling you might otherwise apply to the <body> element to a child "container" <div> or other element. To show the video preview, call the show() method and make this container transparent.

Privacy Lights

Most devices now include a hardware-level "privacy light", which is enabled when the camera is being used. To prevent this light from being "always on" when the app is running, the browser platform disables/enables use of the camera with the hide, show, pausePreview, and resumePreview methods. If your implementation works well on a mobile platform, you'll find that this addition provides a great head start for a solid browser implementation.

For this same reason, scanning requires the video preview to be active, and the pausePreview method will also pause scanning on the browser platform. (Calling resumePreview will continue the scan.)

Camera Selection

The browser platform attempts to select the best camera as the "back" camera (the default camera). If a "next-best" camera is available, that camera will be selected as the "front" camera. Camera switching is intended to be "togglable", so this plugin has no plans to support access to more than 2 cameras.

The "back" camera is selected by the following criteria:

  1. facingMode – if a camera with a facingMode of environment exists, we use this one.
  2. resolution – If multiple environment cameras are available, the highest resolution camera is selected. If no back-facing cameras exist, we default to the highest resolution camera available.

If more cameras are available, the "front" camera is then chosen from the highest resolution camera remaining.


The browser platform always returns the boolean status.canEnableLight as false, and the enableLight/disableLight methods throw the LIGHT_UNAVAILABLE error code.

Using with Electron or NW.js

This plugin should work out-of-the box with the Cordova browser platform. As of now, there is no clear "best-way" of using the cordova browser build inside an Electron or NW.js application. This plugin attempts to provide an as-clean-as-possible source such that implementations can choose to either:

  • fully implement the cordova platform (please let us know how you do it so we can add documentation!), or
  • import this plugin's source into the Electron or NW.js project and re-bundle it manually.

Using Status.authorized

Both Electron and NW.js automatically provide authorization to access the camera (without user confirmation) to bundled applications. This difference can't be detected via an API this plugin can implement, so the authorized property on any returned Status objects will be false on startup, even when it should be true. You should adjust your code to assume that these platforms are always authorized. (ie: Skip "permission priming" on these platforms.)

On the browser platform, the authorized field is set to true if at least one camera is available and the user has granted the application access to at least one camera. On Electron and NW.js, this field can reliably be used to determine if a camera is available to the device.

Adjusting Scan Speed vs. CPU/Power Usage (uncommon)

On the browser platform, it's possible to adjust the interval at which QR decode attempts occur – even while a scan is happening. This enables applications to intellegently adjust scanning speed in different application states. QRScanner will check for the presence of the global variable window.QRScanner_SCAN_INTERVAL before scheduling each next QR decode. If not set, the default of 130 (milliseconds) is used.


Type definitions for cordova-plugin-qrscanner are available in the DefinitelyTyped project.

Contributing & Testing

To contribute, first install the dependencies:

npm install

Then setup the test project:

npm run gen-tests

This will create a new cordova project in the cordova-plugin-test-projects directory next to this repo, install cordova-plugin-qrscanner, and configure the Cordova Plugin Test Framework. Once the platform tests are generated, the following commands are available:

  • npm run test:ios
  • npm run test:browser

Both Automatic Tests (via Cordova Plugin Test Framework's built-in Jasmine) and Manual Tests are available. Automatic tests confirm the existence and expected structure of the javascript API, and manual tests should be used to confirm functionality on each platform.

The build for this repo currently only confirms javascript style and syntax with jshint. Pull requests with additional automated test methods are welcome!