zk-SNARK calculator program

Create simple zk-SNARK calculator program to interact with Ethereum smart contracts


Ethereum wallet address
Download Zokrate from https://github.com/Zokrates/ZoKrates/releases
Make sure path of stdlib is right
Switch to the Ropsten Test Network and claim some ETH airdrop to your address


./zokrates.exe compile -i id.zok  

Perform the setup phase

# Skip this step if you have proving.key and verify.key  
./zokrates.exe setup  

Compute Witness

./zokrates.exe compute-witness -a "Your Address"

Generate a proof of computation

./zokrates.exe generate-proof

Export a solidity verifier

# Skip this step if you have verifier
./zokrates.exe  export-verifier

Then you can use your proof.json and your verifier.abi to interact with Ethereum smart contracts by Remix to prove that you have done the calculation using your wallet address.