Create simple zk-SNARK calculator program to interact with Ethereum smart contracts
Ethereum wallet address
Download Zokrate from
Make sure path of stdlib is right
Switch to the Ropsten Test Network and claim some ETH airdrop to your address
./zokrates.exe compile -i id.zok
Perform the setup phase
# Skip this step if you have proving.key and verify.key
./zokrates.exe setup
Compute Witness
./zokrates.exe compute-witness -a "Your Address"
Generate a proof of computation
./zokrates.exe generate-proof
Export a solidity verifier
# Skip this step if you have verifier
./zokrates.exe export-verifier
Then you can use your proof.json and your verifier.abi to interact with Ethereum smart contracts by Remix to prove that you have done the calculation using your wallet address.