
Team version control practice repo


Team version control practice repository

Accompanying slides can be found here

Step 1: Clone the repo

Open your terminal, navigate to a place where you work on coding projects, and run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/abcdbug/team-up-with-git.git

If you have ssh setup on github you can do the following instead:

git clone git@github.com:abcdbug/team-up-with-git.git

Step 2: Checkout a branch

First cd into the repo

cd team-up-with-git

And then checkout a new branch

git checkout -b unique-branch-name


Step 3: Make changes to the repo

Add a new file or modify an existing file, save your changes, then run the following command:

git status

Step 4: Stage and commit your files

Run the following command to stage your files:

git add name(s)_of_file(s)_you_changed

Then commit your changes.

git commit -m "Added new file that does this and that"

Step 5: Check status of your branch vis-a-vis master

Before pushing your code to the origin, first check to see if master has changed since you branched.

git checkout master
git fetch
git status

In an ideal world where everyone remembers not to work in master, you should always be able to pull master. Since life doesn't always go as planned, fetch first. If git status says you can fast-forward, then git pull.

Step 6: Push your branch to origin

Assuming there are no changes on master since you branched, push your branch to origin.

git checkout unique-branch-name
git push -u unique-branch-name

If master changed since you branched, you will need to rebase on master and then git push.

git checkout unique-branch-name
git rebase master
git push -u unique-branch-name

If the rebase gives you an error, it means you and somebody else where touching the same part of the same files. That's when we start to think about using the project management tools provided by github/gitlab.

Step 7: Submit your pull (aka merge) request

Navigate to the team-up-with-git project page on github and submit a pull request for your work.