
Web application for easy and convenient viewing of OCR results.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Alt Text
Web application for easy and convenient viewing of OCR results.
You can easily open the image (drag and drop) and draw a text area on the image in real time (in the browser) so you can select and view only the text area you want.

Demo using stub data - https://whwnsdlr1.github.io/ocr-viewer/


git clone https://github.com/whwnsdlr1/ocr-viewer
cd ocr-viewer
yarn install
yarn run serve

and access to http://localhost:port

Demo (own OCR)

  1. Implement your own recognizeImpl function in ocr-viewer> src> js> recognize.js. See the comment of the function.
  2. Input the image in the web app(http://localhost:port)

Demo (PaddleOCR)

  1. Install python packages and Run websocket server
cd backend_example
pip install -r requirements_paddle_ocr.txt
python websocket_paddle_ocr.py
  1. Input the image in the web app(http://localhost:port)

you can change language in 'websocket_paddle_ocr.py'. default is English

Demo (EasyOCR)

  1. Install pytorch
  2. Install python packages and Run websocket server
cd backend_example
pip install -r requirements_easy_ocr.txt
python websocket_easy_ocr.py
  1. Input the image in the web app(http://localhost:port)

you can change language in 'websocket_easy_ocr.py'. default is English


  • Image Input
    • Drag and drop
    • Using File dialog (top input element)
  • Image Frame
    • left mouse & touch drag - panning
    • mouse wheel & pinch to zoom - zoom in / out
    • right mouse drag - adjust brightness and contrast
  • Result Frame
    • You can search for the text you want. Only the searched text is displayed above the image.
    • Hover over the text badge to see the probability.
    • When you click a text badge, the clicked text is highlighted and displayed above the image.


  • Modify the code below to change the box color.
// ocr-viewer > src > components > Frame.vue
export default {
    data: function () {
        return {
            style: {
                boxColor: '#FFFF00',
                highlightBoxColor: '#FF0000'
  • Modify the code below to change the box line width.
// ocr-viewer > src > plugins > cornerstoneToolsPlugin.js
export default {
  install: function (Vue) {

Browser support - (tested)

  • Google Chrome 89+
  • Mozilla FireFox 85+