
This is the official released code for A Deep Reinforced Tree-traversal Agent for Coronary Artery Centerline Extraction. Here we released detailed codes and also a set of toy models in order to visualize the result. Please check the original paper ( for detailed ideas.

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We only test codes under the following environment, other reasonable environment settings should work as well.

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • CUDA 10.1
  • Python 3.8
  • Pytorch 1.6.0
  • .....

pip install all other required libaries.


Download the example_data from the link: Then substitute the place-holder folder with the one you downloaded.

  1. To check the effect of the proposed method, run the inference through:
python tracer/
  1. One can also run the train code with the toy data. However it's not likely to get any reasonbale result or weight:
python tracer/
  1. Train the discriminator with the following command. Still no sensable result is guaranteed:
python discriminator/

More Words:

For those who are truly interested in DRL, please reference for more details. And honestly speaking, this code is a little bit messy and surely there are more elegent ways to organize the code as well as data structure. However, due to many reasons (mainly because I am too lazy :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:) here we are. So try not to stuck in detailed codes. Feel free to contact me ( if you have any confusion.