
iOS App that displays a list of users where we can tap and go to user profile.The list of users is cached incase there is no internet.

Primary LanguageSwift


iOS App that displays a list of users where we can tap and go to user profile.The list of users is cached incase there is no internet.

How to install :

  • Make sure you have Xcode 14.3 or above
  • Open GeoMobileTask.xcodeproj
  • Run project to simulator or real device using cmd + R


  • First start of the app: With an existing internet connection the data is displayed in a list. The images are displayed and you can open a detail view. The detail view shows the same data as in the cell with a different layout.
  • Second start of the app with a switched off internet connection: The app displays the saved data. The images are not displayed.

Solution:(video attached)



App Architecture :


I applied clean architecture in all my modules. you can see that the app is including the following modules:

  • API module
  • Cache module
  • Feature/Domain module
  • UI and Presentation module

For the API module I used URLSession to handle the HTTP calls, Of course, the app has been implemented in a way that we can use any framework or third parties like Alamofire.

For the Cache module I used FileManager to cache content, Of course, the app has been implemented in a way that we can use any framework or third parties like Realm or CoreData.

For the Presentation module I used MVVM Design pattern, and I've tried to decouple all my modules using protocols, so you can find that I hide the implementation details by using protocols.

For the Feature/Domain module here the business logic or model for the feature is written which is completely agnostic of the presentation layer and the data layers(api/cache) .

Finally, I composed all the module inside the RootView.

Improvements and feedback:

  • Unit Testing for entire app
  • add snapshot tests to test ui layout
  • add dark mode (✓)
  • improve UI for landscape(✓)
  • adding refresh control for reloading(✓)
  • adding retry incase of failure(✓)
  • adding timestamp for user to know when the data was last updated.(✓)