
Flutter boiler plate code with Clean architecture and BLoC pattern

Primary LanguageDart

Project is having 2 main layers:-

1.) Core

2.) Feature

This layer is divided into 3 main part per module:-

A.)Data:- Takes care of how data will be fetched [remote/local data source!]. Contains 1.)Entitites, 2.)Repositories[remote/local]

B.)Domain:- Takes care of core business logic and provides data repositories. Hence it is unaware of core implementation of how data is fetched. C.)Presentation:- Takes care of presenting data using blocs.

Block architecture all demos:-

1.)https://github.com/felangel/bloc/tree/master/examples/flutter_login/lib/login 2.)https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_bloc [provides multiple bloc/listener methods]

Clean architecture explanation:- https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_clean_architecture

Note:- Just took concept of clean architecture.

Pending tasks:- 1.) add crashalytics 2.) add product build flavour 3.) Screenutils